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Benefits of a Handjet Portable Printer for Agricultural Packaging

When you operate an agricultural business, it means keeping up with thousands of pounds of products. Packaging, efficiency, and accuracy are a must. Technology is essential to keep your finger on the pulse of everything going on as it happens. Some technologies are complex, such as computer programs and software. Others are simple yet effective, such as a handjet printer. These printers can revolutionize your packaging process. Discover the benefits of investing in a handjet portable printer for agricultural packaging.

Portable and Lightweight

A key term to consider in manufacturing is “portable.” When you are going through bulk bags and packaging in a vast warehouse, nobody wants to go back and forth for various equipment. A portable device offers the highest level of convenience. This printer is lightweight, so it is easy to carry while making rounds in the warehouse. Its compact design means it can be tucked away until you need to use it. Manual operation provides ease of use without the need to be tethered to other situations, places, and devices. The experience is convenient and carefree for the user.

Time is money and every minute counts in the agricultural business. Handheld printers can significantly reduce the time it takes to label your products. No more trips to the labeling station or dealing with tangled cords. Just point, print, and move on to the next package. Its compact size and battery power are a convenience at your fingertips.

Affordable Option

There are many ways to do the labeling. Custom printing is an option, but it takes time and money. Also, it might be better when rush work is required. And stickers and other labels fall off and become messy along the way. An EBS handjet portable printer is an affordable option. Printing can be done immediately without orders or with labeling and other hassles. Just carry the portable printer to mark packaging and other items. This device is affordable and can be used repeatedly for this purpose. The battery and inkjet cartridge are included, so you can use it right out of the box. The high-volume inkjet cartridge prints up to 100,000 characters.


All bulk packages are not the same. Various materials are used to make them. And some of them could be bumpy or bulky, depending on the contents. The EBS handjet portable printer can print on many surfaces. It prints on different substrates, so there are no concerns about printing on any package. This will even print on uneven surfaces, where are inevitable when you label and designate bulk packaging. Best of all, manual coding methods no longer necessary. This printer takes care of coding in seconds, without the hassles associated with the tedious manual process of the past.

Increase Productivity

Everyone is more productive without the need to use manual coding methods. The job is done faster with a higher level of accuracy by using a portable inkjet printer. And the ease of use means people can effortlessly print on bulk packaging and quickly move forward through the warehouse. A higher level of productivity can make your business more profitable and efficient. And human resources can be used for more thoughtful tasks.

Error Reduction

Mistakes in labeling can lead to costly mix-ups and unhappy customers. Handheld portable printers come equipped with easy-to-read screens and intuitive software. This minimizes the risk of errors, ensuring that each package label is correct. When your customers receive their products with error-free labels, it instills confidence in your brand. That confidence can go a long way in building trust and loyalty.

Reduce Cost

Using a handy handheld portable printer helps your company reduce costs. And as expenses continue to rise in the agricultural industry, management is always searching for smart ways to lower them. For a minimal investment, your company can enjoy a maximum return. And when you reduce costs, your boost your bottom line. Plus, greater efficiency means the ability to produce and distribute more products. Leaving inefficient methods behind and adopting modern technologies is helping farmers stay in business.

Discover the many benefits of choosing an EBS handjet portable printer for your agricultural business. Talk to a packaging pro today to find out what it can do for you. Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

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