Bulk bags are also referred to as FIBC bags, which stands for flexible intermediate bulk containers. These bags are used to store and deliver bulk items to places. The bulk bags are made to be more affordable, and you can recycle them, which is better for the environment. If you are in need of bulk bags you can contact Western Packaging and they would be glad to answer any questions you have.
What Are Bulk Bags
Bulk bags are used to hold large amounts of materials needed to transport. They can hold a lot of weight in a bag also. You can order them to hold up to the amount of weight that you need it to. You are usually able to customize the sizing that you need as well. There are 4 different types of bags that you can get.
- U-Panel
- Four-Panel
- Circular
- Baffle
What Are Bulk Bags Made Of
The bags are usually made of strands of polypropylene sewn into the fabric. This makes the bags very durable and able to uphold the weight they will be holding. These bags and the materials they are made out of are very affordable. There is a large variety of ways that these bags can benefit your business and be reused over again. Some ways you can benefit from bulk bags:
- Storing Bulking Items
- Heavy Duty
- Mold and Mildew Prevention
- Reusable
- Recyclable
- Save Money
Recycling Your Bulk Bags
Being able to get the most use out of your bulk bags, you need to make informed decisions about your purchases. Making sure that you are getting ones with a good safety rating. This will help you understand better about the number of times you can use these bags before they are not able to hold up to their weight limit.
With these bulk bags being made out of mostly plastic, they can be recycled. If you have decided that your bulk bags have done their job, and it is time to recycle them, there are some things you can do. There are a few ways you need to do this:
- You will want to take some time and sort your bags. Separating them into 3 different categories A, B, and C. By doing this you are going to put together the ones that are in good condition, intermediate condition, and worse condition.
- Now making sure the bags are sanitized is the next step. Depending on the company that these bags came from, determined what they contained. Some places may have toxic material in it, so we need to make sure things are thoroughly cleaned.
- Revamping these bags will enable them to function the same as before. Replacing broken pieces or worn out areas is best to be sure they are safe for reuse.
- Keeping a record of what each bag has contained is helpful. Also, tracking exactly how many times these bags have been reused, this will allow you to make better judgement of the safety of that bag.
- You will want to schedule regular bag tests. This is where you will test the durability of the bag every so often to ensure it is safe for use. It is up to the company on how often they decide to do these safety tests, you just want to make sure you set special time aside to do this.
Call Us Today
The team at Western Packaging strives to give our customers the best service possible. Making sure that you are confident of the information that we are providing you with. Call us today and let us help you with all your bulk bag purchases.