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15 Apr 2019
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What You Need To Know About Reusable Packaging

With the popularity of green living, the reduction of waste, and reusing all the materials we can it is no surprise there are new initiatives to cut back on packaging waste. Before you jump on the bandwagon it is a good idea to have all the details so you can make the best decision for your company. A new program is now being tested to see how reusable packaging will work out for many large companies and we think it deserves a second look.

The Latest In Reusable Packaging

Launched by The World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the new Loop program began at the beginning of the year in January of 2019. They describe their program as “the milkman reimagined” and if you are still confused we will explain. Back in the day, the milkman would go door to door dropping off fresh milk in glass containers, at the end of the week the milkman would pick up the empty glasses and replace them.

The Loop program runs off the same principle of one in one out. Large companies have already started returning used packaging do be cleaned, refilled with fresh product, and then resold to the public. The idea is an old one reinvented and is a good idea for many, but is it right for you?

How Can You Benefit From It?

The benefits of reusable packaging are pretty obvious but just in case you didn’t realize it, our landfills are beyond full. Unfortunately, it is a real crisis and between our waterways and landfills, we are drowning in plastic bags and toxic waste. Reusing packaging significantly reduces and could eliminate any further waste you contribute.

Reusable packaging could save you money a well. It would take some number crunching but it is very likely you could shave a bit off your bottom line.

What Are Its Disadvantages?

Although there is a possibility this could save you money the same is true for the opposite. Business owner’s concerns come from the price of high-quality recyclable plastics and the fact that prices are bound to be much higher. This is essentially the main concern when it comes to reusable plastics.

It seems as though it is really not marketed to your average middle American business but rather to major cities like New York, Toronto, or Paris. With that being said, in the grand scheme of working toward a healthier environment, the program is a step in the right direction. There are alternatives if this is not economical for your company.

Flexible Packaging, Another Option

For those of you who feel like reusable packaging is just not in your future, there are other options. Flexible packaging is described as any packaging, liner, or overwrap that can change shape based on what it contains. Although it is not reusable, flexible packaging is still one of the more environmentally friendly packaging options.

It is cheaper, it looks good, preserves freshness, its convenient, and it is more cost-effective. Flexible packaging used less energy when produced, reducing carbon emissions and lowering initial waste. In the end, it is up to you to do the numbers and choose what is best for your business not only the environment.  

Call Us For Packaging Solutions

Western Packaging has a solution for all of your packaging needs and much more. We offer our customers a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials for packaging along with many other products used for business and agriculture. Give our team a call, we would love to answer all of your questions and be your number one packaging supplier.

22 Mar 2019
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How Should You Utilize Your Pallet Load Properly

Are you looking for tips on how to pack a pallet? Loading a pallet at times is a bit like playing a game of Tetris and that is why we would like to give you a few tips about how to properly pack your load. Western Packaging is known for its packaging expertise no matter the size of your shipments. With a bit of creativity and forethought, you can properly utilize your pallet loads more efficiently.

1. Choose The Right Size Pallet

Choosing the right size pallet is the first step in properly utilizing your pallet load. Whether your pallet is wood or plastic it is important to create a proper foundation. Pallets can be customizable but your standard pallet will be around 48 by 42 inches.

Your best bet is to choose a pallet the size of your load or whatever your packaging. If you are packing different items it is going to be harder to do this. Your goal is to create a uniform cube but in a case like this, you will have to customize your pallet and be a bit more creative. After reading over this blog post you will know how to stack a pallet safely. 

how to pack a pallet

2. Pallet Stacking Patterns

Depending on the load you are packing you may or may not have to get pretty crafty. Some companies are packing the same loads day in and day out and fit right into that cubical goal we talked about. Think paper supply company, this would probably be the easiest load to pack involving absolutely no forethought.

If you have different sized boxes you need to pack you will need to position them more creatively, starting with the heaviest on the bottom. Make sure to pack your boxes without space between items and packed as tightly as possible. You will have to pay close attention to these oddly shaped packages as to not puncture your shrink-wrap.

3. Stretch Film Matters

Choosing the right stretch film ensures that your product will stay secure and undamaged. It is important to choose a quality stretch film suited for the job. Our team can help you choose what is right for your specific job. The machines used to wrap your pallet loads are very important to the quality of your load.

Pallet wrapping machines should run at different speeds, double wrap, pre-stretch, and various other options. Choose pallet wrap machines that you can customize to suit the varying needs of your business. This is especially important if your company packages items that are different shapes, sizes, and weights.

4. Pallet Packaging Extras

Consider other packaging supplies that will enhance the appearance or quality of your load. Labeling the outside with handheld printers not only identifies the contents of the pallet but it can also be a nice way to advertise your brand.

In some cases, you may need top sheets and other items to protect your pallets. The end goal is to be efficient, professional, and minimize losses.

how to pack a pallet

5. First Impressions Matter

Remember that when you are packaging anything whether they are pallets or bags of grain that first impression matter. The appearance of your packaging says a lot about you, your employees, and your business. Be aware of punctures in shrink-wrap, uniform wrapping, and packing.

If done wrong these things will not only give a negative appearance but can actually be a danger to yourself and your customers. Remember a firm foundation, creativity, and quality will create the perfect pallet load you’re looking for.

Call Our Team Today

With our tips on how to pack a pallet, you should be ready to go! Western Packaging is your one-stop-shop for agricultural packaging and much more. If you need supplies to help pack and maximize your pallet loads we can help you. We have a great team waiting to answer all your questions, give us a call today!

18 Mar 2019
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The Benefits of Silage Wrap

If you have ever wondered whether silage wrapping was the way to go or not Western Packaging can give you a few suggestions on the matter. Providing the best and most nutrient-dense food for your animals is the main concern for most people. Saving money is just as important and we can help you do both with a silage wrapper.

What Is The Difference Between Silage and Haylage?

Silage vs haylage has been an ongoing conversation for decades with farmers. Silage is a fermented food, used for sheep, cows, and other cud-chewing animals and comes from grass, maize, cereals, sorghum, and other crops. Silage is sometimes named after the forage it is made from, for example, oat silage is sometimes called oatlage. Initially, the vegetation is stored in a silo in a huge pile, compressed to remove as much oxygen as possible, and then covered with plastic.

It takes ten days to weeks for the fermentation process to complete. Considering a haylage wrapper or a silage wrapper doesn’t have to be complicated because haylage and silage are very similar. The main difference is that haylage is drier than silage. Both haylage and silage need to be stored in plastic bags to keep them from losing dry matter.

How Does Baled Silage Benefit You?

Not everyone needs baled silage but for those thinking about it, there are huge silage benefits. Silage bale wrap can be ideal if you have smaller fields or overflow fields that are not equipped for piles, wrapping your silage allows you flexibility and convenience. If your pastures are full of hills and not easily accessible to silage-making equipment, this method is beneficial.

Almost any forage is good for making silage but be careful with forage that is older or tough as it can poke through the silage wrapper. This creates a way for oxygen to then be allowed in and you will lose dry matter and nutrient-rich silage.

Why Do I Need Silage Wrap

Silage needs to be wrapped when transporting to keep out the air and preserve the silage. One of the most important things when trying to preserve your silage is keeping the oxygen out, this is the primary benefit to wrapping your silage. Silage is better for cows than other types of fodder because it is easier to digest.

Wrapping hay for silage keeps out oxygen, the lack of oxygen breaks down the lactic bacteria, saving the animals digestive system a step. Wrapping your silage will not only help your animals but it will also save you up to a third of your product. That is a huge deal when it comes to your bottom line and makes it the best bale wrapper.

Choosing A Silage Wrap

When shopping around for a silage wrap look for a wrap that will hold up for a complete season, otherwise you will not only spend more money but you will have more waste. You will want to make sure that it adheres to itself well enough to create an airtight seal. Remember, the goal of wrapping your bales is to keep out the oxygen for a premium silage fodder.

A silage wrapper that reflects the heat is necessary so that your bales do not get too hot and lose nutrient value or spoil. Western Packaging carries Sunfilm brand silage wrap and is well-known for its durability and quality. We would be happy to give you more information about the wraps we carry and the machinery necessary to wrap your bales.

Give Us A Call Today

Western Packaging would love to help you choose the silage wrap that works for you. We carry many products to suit your packaging needs, big or small. If you have any questions or would like help choosing products that make your business better give us a call today!

01 Mar 2019
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Storing Your Packaging Materials: The How’s and Why’s

When it comes to storing your packaging materials for your business it really is not as simple as throwing your cardboard boxes up against the wall. You could definitely do that but we here at Western Packaging don’t recommend it. We want to make sure that no matter the size of your business you have the tools to make the right choices on packaging storage for you and your supplies.

Environmental Conditions That Will Affect Your Packaging

Believe it or not, there are many outside factors that affect a product’s packaging. The types of packaging, sizing, thickness, and storage conditions are all examples of variables that can affect the life and quality of protection that packaging provides. Sometimes these things can be minor but it is important to know so you can make the best choice for your supplies. Temperature changes are a big factor when it comes to most types of storage materials, whether they be paper or plastic.

Humidity can cause cardboard and paper bags to retain moisture increasing their fragility. Extreme temperatures can affect plastic and paper materials causing them to melt or become rigid. Dust is messy and can cause tape not to stick properly and stretch film not to work as well as it should.

Best Practices For Storing Cardboard and Paper Packaging

When storing paper packaging, whether cardboard or paper bags, you are going to want to keep it off the ground. This will help to keep it safe from pests, dirt, and foot traffic. This can also reduce dust buildup and water damage from water dripping or leaking onto floors. If possible store boxes inside one or more central boxes to reduce exposure to dirt and dust. The same can be done for bags.

Store in a climate-controlled area if possible to keep paper from becoming moist and tearing or breaking down. The packaging your goods come in is also the first impression many people get of your business. It’s important to make their first thoughts and opinions on your company the best they can be. The last thing you want to do is offer your product in sub-par packaging.

Storing Stretch Film

Whenever you purchase your stretch film make sure to pay close attention to the manufacturer’s storage instructions. We supply stretch film and are happy to help assist you with any questions you may have. Storing it in its original packaging is always an option so as to reduce exposure to the elements.

Typically you should store stretch film in temperatures ranging between 30-77 degrees Fahrenheit. It is very important that you pay special attention to your stretch film during the summer months. Make sure to store it in the coolest part of your building, on the bottom rack of shelves or pallets.

Be careful not to refrigerate it or your stretch film will no longer stretch like it’s supposed to. Shipping anything with stretch film in the early morning will help to prevent any pre-shrinkage that you are trying to avoid.

How Do I Know If My Stretch Film Is Damaged

Cardboard and paper sacks are easy to identify when compromised but shrink film not so much. You will have to check beyond its appearance and inspect it a little further. If you pick up rolls and they are sticking together, this can be a sign of too much heat exposure and they are probably damaged.

Bagging between layers is another bad sign and typical of rolls exposed to too much heat. If you see this happening do not use them, they could cause issues with your machine. Storage in dry, temperature regulated areas is best for paper and cardboard packaging.

We Would Love To Hear From You

Our team would love to help provide your business with packaging materials that fit your individual requirements. Western Packaging offers an array of supplies to help you store, label, and assist with all your packaging storage needs. Give our team a call today, we would be happy to help you out.

18 Feb 2019
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Top Reasons Why Your Company Should Reduce Packaging Waste

It is no secret that our culture is moving in a more environmentally safe direction. Our team at Western Packaging want to make sure we are really doing our part when it comes to reducing our packaging waste. Reducing waste can not only help the environment but it can also save you money in the long run.

Waste is absolutely unavoidable, but it is what you do with that waste that really counts. We are going to look at a few ways you can prevent waste and make do with what you have.

Minimalistic Approach To Packaging Materials

We understand that packaging is a big deal, it is the first thing your customers see, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be over the top. Sleek, streamlined packaging can not only save resources but it can draw the eye and look very modern and professional. Consider the goods that you are packaging when finding the perfect fit for them.

When you choose a package that better suits the size and shape of what you are storing you not only prevent packaging waste but you also save energy. The less packaging a manufacturer provides the less energy they use, in turn saving on fuels that can cause big problems for our environment.

Waste Management Tutorials

When was the last time you sat your staff down and had training on waste management, recycling or the reuse of materials? If the answer is never then you need to get started on that this week. As a matter of a fact, you could even get a small team together to brainstorm different ideas to reuse packaging and materials that you currently have.

Basic recycling practices are not always a given and need to be taught to each employee if you want to get maximum results. Many items can go into the recycling bin but some could be used around the company. Maybe an area of the office needs storage, there’s no need to buy anything from the store or use a new box, just reuse.

Start With An Energy Efficient Product

If you currently do not use packing made from energy efficient or recyclable materials it’s okay. You don’t want to go and throw out everything just because, but you may want to rethink what your next order will be. Do some research to see where and how your packaging supplies are being made.

Are they made in a factory with good energy practices or are they unaware of the impact that they are putting out into the environment? These days you can find many packaging products that are made from 100 percent recyclable materials and if not 100 percent, any percentage is better than none. Over the years new technology has made it where even plastics can be repurposed and used again.

Around Your Business

You can also reduce waste around the office and every little bit adds up and makes a big difference. If you are providing food for the office buy loose products like fruits and vegetables instead of loads of prepackaged snacks. When you’re shopping for the company, use reusable bags.

Always buy in bulk, there’s almost always less packaging. Choose brands with less packaging and always keep small recycling bins around for easy access. It will increase the likelihood that people use them.

Give Us A Call Today

If you need help finding the best packaging supplies that will help to reduce your waste consumption Western Packaging can help you. We are well versed in all things packaging and are here to help you with all your needs. Give us a call today, we look forward to hearing from you.

01 Feb 2019
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How To Best Store Your Dry Goods

Storing your dry goods is a completely different ball game than storing other types of perishables. Every business wants to offer their customers the freshest product and keep their business profitable. The team at Western Packaging are pros when it comes to storing most anything especially when it comes to how to best store your dry goods.

Temperature Is Key

The temperature at which you store your dry goods is tremendously important. It is probably one of the most important things to abide by. Dry goods should be stored between fifty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit.

Can you believe that for every 18-degree increase the shelf life reduces by half? That is a huge reduction in shelf life and exactly the reason temperature should be carefully monitored. Storing your dry goods in cooler temperatures helps to reduce respiratory activity, the breaking down of enzymes in the food, and internal water loss.

Environmental Conditions

Keeping the storeroom cool is number one but there are some other factors you are going to want to consider. Dry goods are best stored in a dry and well-ventilated area, with little humidity, no higher than 15 percent. Consider a dehumidifier or an air conditioning unit during the most humid times of the year.

Store your goods 18 inches away from the walls and at least 6 inches off the floor. Sunlight is responsible for oxidation which breaks down many of the nutrients in food. You are going to want to avoid storerooms with a lot of natural light or make sure to use a blackout curtain or tint to cover the windows.

Keep Records and Rotate Good

Keeping proper records of your dry goods is an important part of their optimal storage. Both “use by” dates and “sell by” dates should be properly recorded. Spotting spoilage with your dry goods is a lot more difficult than with fresh food.

First in first out, commonly referred to as “FIFO” should always be the way your dry goods move to and from the storeroom. This will allow you to offer the best product possible and protect your bottom line.


Packaging is our specialty for sure and we have many ideas and options for you to choose from if you are in search of something reliable. Packaging that resists moisture is a must and will work well in with an airconditioned room or dehumidifier. There are many factors you want to keep in mind when choosing the right packaging.

Bulk bags are popular for storing grain and have the option to sew in handles to make for easier transporting. Multi-walled paper bags are good for storing grain and pet food and come in different styles to suit your needs.

Woven poly bags are another good option as well, these along with all the other bags listed can be printed on to label the product and record “use by” and “sell by” dates.

Protect your Goods From Critters

To protect your storeroom from vermin you will need to make sure that all cracks and crevices are sealed, that all entry and exit points to the room are kept closed and made pest proof. If you have set traps or bait, check them regularly and immediately removed when insects or rodents have been captured.

Call Us Today

The team at Western Packaging has a solution for any and all your dry goods packaging. If you have questions or need solutions for any of your packaging needs we would like to hear from you. Give us a call today and we will be happy to help.

16 Jan 2019
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5 Tips For Storing Hay In The Winter

Winter is upon us and it is vital that you protect your investment and start of the year right. Whether you get snow or not winter is typically a wet time of year across parts of the United States. Western Packaging wants to help you protect your assets, here are some storage ideas for storing hay for winter.

1. Promote Proper Bale Density

Proper bale density is an important part of protecting your hay, even more so when there is the possibility for moisture loss. Loosely packed hay can retain moisture that can penetrate the hay allowing microbes to use the oxygen to break down the hay’s nutrients. If this happens excessive losses are to be expected.

A simple way to check your bales density is to press your palm up against the bale. If you can press the bale in by more than a half an inch, the bale is too loose and you should expect losses. You can prevent losses in these specific bales by storing them inside.

2. Store Your Hay Indoors

Storing hay for winter indoors is always the best option, being that you can better control its climate and environment. You will preserve color and quality and reduce your DM (dry matter) losses significantly. It is not necessary to have something with four walls for bale storage, even a structure with a roof alone will help to prevent moisture build-up and losses.

3. Top Covers

Top covers are a great way to reduce losses. Being that indoor storage is usually not an option for most, top covers rate well for promoting high-quality winter hay storage. Many farmers choose to keep their round bales outside and open to the elements.

The main issue with this is that exposure to the elements can reduce the hay’s digestibility. To prevent this use a tarp, plastic wrap, or canvas cover to prevent DM losses.

4. Elevate The Hay On An Incline To Reduce Moisture

Storing your hay allows for better drainage while elevating your hay is important to promote proper air circulation around the hay bales. Storing your hay directly on the ground can account for up to half of your DM losses, you can store it on pallets to be off the ground. This is especially true in the winter when the ground is moist and the sun is not as warm to keep the ground and the hay dry.

When storing your hay up off the ground there are a few cost-effective ways that may work for you. You may be able to find people giving away old pallets, tires, bricks, railroad ties, and even old fence post. Get creative and keep your hay off the ground.

5. Leave Space For Bales To Breath

Adequate circulation is a must when storing your hay in the winter. You want to make sure that you leave the right amount of space between the bales to deter excess moisture. It is not recommended that you stack your hay bales unless you cover them or store them inside. covered.

When you do, make sure that there are at least 2 feet from the top of the structure and the surface of the hay. Knowing how to store your bales outside will help keep from errors being made. You should place them north to south, end to end, making sure to keep around 3 to 4 feet of space between each row for proper air circulation. This will help prevent your winter DM losses.

We Want To Hear From You

The team at Western Packaging wants to hear from you. If you are in need of winter storage solutions for your hay give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you!

30 Dec 2018
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What Is A Self-Opening Square Bag and How Can I Use It In My Business?

Western Packaging has a plethora of options when it comes to bags and ways to ship your goods across town or across the world. One popular method of shipping goods is in a self- opening square bag. We are going to explain to you exactly what a self-opening square bag is and how you can use it in your business.

What Is A Self-Opening Square Bag

Self-opening square bags are gusseted and have a square bottom that is sealed shut with a very strong, high-quality adhesive. When a bag is gusseted it is reinforced in such a way that it can carry more weight and product. Usually, a square bag is good for palletizing and the square bottom allows it to stand alone without the support of another human, a machine, or other objects.

After they have been filled these bags are then sealed by sewing them shut, stapling, or taping them closed. Our paper self-opening square bags can even be labeled for easy identification or branding if necessary making your product stand out. Filled bags can then be stacked and organized in a uniform fashion because they are cubic in shape.

Wood Shavings, Wood Fibers, and More

These bags are perfect for lumber businesses or other companies that sell wood that is cut up into chips, shavings or fine fibers. Think in terms of wood chips used for grills and fire pits, these bags are reinforced and the paper is also environmentally friendly.

Pet supply companies and farms could benefit greatly from the use of the self-opening square bag. Many domesticated animals or house pets use would shavings in their cages or stalls, making this a great option to store their supplies.

Corn and Seeds

Corn and seeds are a common food item stored in self-opening square bags. They help to keep out moisture and are more than strong enough to handle the load. These bags are usually one to 3 ply and come in a variety of options depending on what you need.

Any business shipping their corn or seeds to grocery stores, tractor supplies, or pet stores should keep this type of bag in their list of excellent options. Keep in mind that when these bags are shipped they are able to be stored in multiple ways and functional patterns to save time and space. Not only does the bag handle the load but it loads well, this is priceless when you have to pay for what you ship and how you ship it.

Flour and Other Grains

Large companies that distribute flour to bakeries and restaurants will benefit from the self-opening square bag. Flour should always be stored in a cool and dry area which is why we recommend against poly bags and say go straight for the paper. This bag, in particular, helps to keep out air and moisture keeping your grains fresh and free of any pest or unwanted elements.

Whether you have an agricultural business, a pet supply company, or you specialize in grinding flour we have options for you. The self-opening square bag is reliable and will get the job done in these specific cases.  If you have more questions about whether these bags will hold up to the needs of your product we can help you out.

Call Us Today

If you have questions or would like to find out more about self-opening square bags and your business Western Packaging would be glad to help you. We offer a variety of bags and other shipping materials for personal or industrial use. Give our friendly team a call today for all your packaging needs!

19 Dec 2018
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How to Choose Between Polypropylene, Steel, and Polyester Types of Strapping in Colorado

Sometimes it is easier when you only have one variety to choose from but sometimes variety helps our businesses run more efficiently and can save us money. New innovations have allowed the packing industry to be more environmentally friendly and allow for each business to personalize their loads.  Western Packaging offers three types of strapping to suit your needs and we’re going to help you to decide whether polypropylene, steel, or polyester is right for you.

Why Do I need Strapping?

Strapping is an important part of storing and shipping goods. It adds extra protection and secures heavy items so your product stays the way you packed it. It also protects the merchandise and goods of others.

Strapping is also part of the shipping requirements for all major shipping companies like USPS or UPS. You can visit their website for specific requirements and specifications, typically pallets over 150 pounds require some sort of strapping. Adding the extra reinforcement saves you time and money when it’s all said and done.

Polypropylene Strapping, The Economical Choice

Polypropylene is the newest technology in strapping materials, it has an abundance of benefits and is very versatile. Polypropylene is used in the food industry, for newspapers, corrugated boxes, and general packaging. It is very economical and is used for light, medium, and some heavy loads.

Unlike Polyester and steel, polypropylene allows for more elongation but over time it may not be recoverable so if you have extra heavy loads this is not the strapping for you. This type of strap can be printed on and applied with manual tools, automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, hand, electric, or battery operated tools. A high-quality propylene strap is a great choice for those without hot, sharp, or extra heavy loads.

Steel, Standing The Test of Time

Steel was the strapping that paved the way for everything after it. It is the oldest and is still the strongest out of all the straps available. If you have heavy-duty loads and do not need any elongation steel may be a good choice for you. It is also used for sharp or heated loads that would melt or cut through other types of strapping.

The downside to steel is that it is on the expensive side, it is rather dangerous with its sharp edges, and it’s hard to recycle. Steel strapping can be applied with manual tools or electric and battery operated tools. Many industries have started to phase out steel straps but if you feel this is the right choice for your business Western Packaging can help you.

Polyester Strapping, Strong and Recyclable

Polyester strapping is the strongest next to steel with a high level of retained retention making it a great choice for those with heavy-duty loads. Polyester is the most rigid, is nick resistant, and recyclable making it a practical choice for those looking for these characteristics. If your load needs high-tension initially along with retainable tension, polyester is the strap for your shipment.

The downside to polyester strapping is that there is not a lot of elongation to the straps. So if you need something with a little “give” this strap will not give you that, a high-quality polypropylene is the better option. You can apply and secure your polyester straps with manual tools, electric or battery operated tools, or automatic machines.

Call Today For Questions and Orders

If you have specific questions about polypropylene, steel or polyester strapping give Western Packaging a call. We have people who are knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

29 Nov 2018
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What’s a Valve Bag and Why Your Business Needs To Use Them

Western Packaging is your premier source for valve bags. These bags have multiple customization options. Size, coatings, and closure methods can be specified. We offer the paper valve bags in all varieties.

What is are Valve Bags?

Valve bags are packaging bags filled by machines. They come in plastic or paper. Here at Western Packaging, we are a wholesale manufacturer who offers the paper version, with many options. The three main things to consider are size, closure type, and coatings.

Choose the Right Size

Paper valve bags come in a large range of sizes. We offer small to very large paper valve bags and multiple sizes in between. It is important to verify which sizes your valve bag machine handles.

Determine Which Type of Closure You Need

Once the size is determined, the type of closure is determined. All valve bags are automatically closed. The specific method of how this closing happens falls into three categories.

1. Self- Sealing

The first and most common is self-sealing. These valve bags use the pressure of the contents to close and seal the bag.

2. Heat Sealed

Alternatively, some bags can be sealed by heat. This may be a better option for the product and requires a machine and set up capable of this method.

3. Ultrasonic Seals

The third type of closure is much less common. Bags can be sealed ultrasonically. These valve bags are only used in very specific and limited industries. They require clean and sterile environments and very special machinery.

Which Coating is Best

Once the size and type of closure are decided, coatings in and on the bags is decided. The options are extensive. Western Packaging offers all the most common, and some uncommon, coatings available. The specific coating(s) depends on the product and the package’s method of storage, shipment, and display.

There is a large variety of coatings available. The coating options vary based on if the coating is going to be placed on the inside or outside of the bag. Some products may benefit from a coating on both.

The Difference Between Inside Coats

The inside coating is most important when the product contained in the bag is food or non-food products. In these situations, a food-safe coating must be applied to the inside of the bag. This coating helps ensure the contents remain safe for consumption, and also maintains the freshness. Interior coatings also help minimize moisture entering the product and/or keep the product from seeping out. These are very important features for many products.

Some outside coatings provide the same or similar benefits. Coatings can be applied to block moisture, block contamination of the interior from the outside, or make the bag easier to handle. While protection of the contents of the packaging is most important, ease of storage is also important. Outside coatings can be used to minimize friction when bags rub together and therefore help to minimize bag damage and loss of product. A simple coating can also help the filled bag maintain its shape.

The Benefits of Valve Bags

Valve bagging is when a bag is filled using a specialized machine. The machine uses a spout placed in or near the opening of the bag. A measured amount is placed in each bag. This can be done in a fully automated or semi-automated manner. This ensures consistency in quantity and minimizes lost product.

The benefits of these machines are numerous and span multiple industries. The biggest benefit is the volume of bags that can be filled and closed per hour. The output is significantly higher than if done by an employee. This increase in output translates to higher profit by filling orders more quickly. Businesses converting to this method often find the cost of the machine is quickly covered and a return on investment is recognized very soon.

Contact Us to Order Your Valve Bags

Our company is able to take your order for industrial bags. Contact the team here at Western Packaging today so that we can help you find exactly what your business needs.

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