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30 Apr 2017
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Inventory Management Techniques Include Customized Bulk Bags

Bulk bags have become the industry standard in the transport of agricultural goods. They provide an almost unlimited number of benefits in transportation from reduced to cost to easier storage. One benefit that many people do not take into account is the tremendous impact they have on inventory management. Consider how inventory management techniques include the use of customized bulk bags for agricultural businesses.

Inventory Management TechniquesHidden Advantages

Bulk bags may appear to b large, unidentifiable objects that are impossible to tell one from the other. While uniformity is an important aspect of consistency, printed bulk bags can create a more organized and streamlined inventory management system. Printed bags are also one of the most efficient methods of storing agricultural goods of all types. And they can significantly reduce typical costs associated with storage.

Use Every Advantage

If you have already used bulk bags for your storage and transportation purposes, you are probably very aware of many of these benefits. However, it is important to use every possible advantage when it comes to efficiency and cost-reduction techniques. You may have overlooked some of the advantages that can be a natural part of the inventory management process when using bulk bags.

Consider Storage and Transport

Depending upon the products for which you plan to use the bags, there can be many additional benefits that come from an inventory management process. Consider inventory management techniques based on storage and transportation with bulk bags. The best manufacturers of bulk bags offer them in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, materials and textures. Once you identify the type and amount of the product you wish to store, it is important to make an informed decision about what type of packaging is right for you. Consider the reasons why bulk bags are the best option for transport and storage. And learn how to determine the right types of bags for your product as well as how to make your inventory management process more efficient.

Printed Bulk Bags

The most standard bulk bags are traditionally white, unlabelled containers. These are most useful in the storage and transport of multiple containers of the same product. However, when storing multiple products in the same facility, it can be difficult to stay organized without some identification method to differentiate one item from another. That is where printed bulk bags provide an additional benefit to the traditional bags.

Using Identifiers for Inventory Management

Even if you use all of the bags and storage space for the same products, it may still be important to separate them. Organize the bags according to dates, sources, and other differentiating information. Get the information custom printed onto your bags. Labels can make the management process much more streamlined while making it easier to stay organized. In addition to creating better inventory management, printed bulk bags can be a great way to brand your products and set yourself apart. You also create your unique impression in the minds of your buyers.


Printed bulk bags are beneficial in the storage aspect of agricultural inventory management. They are just as useful, perhaps even more so, in the transportation of your goods. When each product or bag is individually labeled, it can create a much simpler way of preparing the products that need to go out.  Referring to the print keeps the bulk bags organized through every step of the transportation process. Label the bulk bags according to their intended destinations. Accurate labeling creates an even simpler method of transportation.

Affordable and Flexible for Transporting Goods

Even if you do not need printed bags for identification, bulk bags are one of the most efficient methods of transporting agricultural goods. They are durable enough to carry a significant amount of just about any product. And they are flexible enough to allow for easy storage during transport. Bulk bags are also very affordable, making them a cost-effective method of storage and transport in every facet of your business.

Choosing the Right Bulk Bags

Selecting the correct type and size of bulk bags is one of the most important aspects of the process.

Factors to Consider

Choosing the right bulk bags for your business reduces the cost of shipping and storage. It also reduces the costs associated with potential losses during transport. Much of choosing the right bulk bags will depend on your needs, but there are some key things to consider including:

  • Your product
  • The amount of the product
  • Your storage space
  • Whether it needs to be sealed
  • Coated bulk bags for optimum protection
  • Whether you require lift loops

Consult with an industry professional who can assist agricultural businesses in finding the right bulk bags. Flexible intermediate bulk containers can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Printed bulk bags are an effective way to manage inventory and brand your business during the transportation process.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

21 Apr 2017
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Five Agricultural Packaging Products From Wholesale to Retail

Our Agriculture Packaging Products

Agricultural packaging has taken on a new level of importance, considering that 54% of wasted food is lost during the production process, after-harvest treatment, and storage transportation. There are many different types of packaging in agriculture. Discover more about five important farm produce packaging products and farm packaging supplies from wholesale to retail.

agriculture packagingWhy Agricultural Packaging Services Are Important

It’s really important to understand the importance of packaging farm produce for your business in the short and long term. Agricultural packaging will help preserve and protect food and agriculture products. It will also save you money on shipping costs and will aid in product branding. Plus, utilizing the right packaging of agricultural produce is essential in delivering the freshest, best-looking products to your customers.

1. Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers

Bulk bags are known as flexible intermediate bulk containers in the packaging world. They can be used to store and transport thousands of pounds of dry goods. These bags are made from woven polypropylene and are also weather-resistant.

Benefits of Super Sacks

Reasons to use flexible intermediate bulk containers may include:

  • Increased shelf life for products
  • Easy printing options for branding and food labeling
  • Temperature control within the packaging
  • Quality packaging at a low cost

Bulk bags are suitable for regional and international transport. They have become an industry standard for over a century. These flexible containers are affordable, durable, and reliable. As a result, products arrive in the best possible condition with minimal losses. They are the first type of packaging used for farm products in warehouses before they are distributed in smaller quantities and packages.

2. Fiberboard

Once products are delivered in quantities of hundreds or thousands of pounds, they are repackaged for consumer distribution and use. Fiberboard is very versatile, has great stacking strength, and is low in cost of production. Most vegetable packing materials are corrugated fiberboard, but they can also be made of wood, plastic, or Styrofoam, depending on any specific shipping and packaging needs. Corrugated fiberboard is recyclable and has great strength when wet.

Add Plastic Strapping

The corrugated fiberboard has the possibility of being printed on; therefore, it’s also considered retail-ready.  Corrugated fiberboard should usually be assembled just before use. Some packages might have to be assembled by a machine, but some can be assembled by hand–it’s really up to you and your preferences. Either way, this packaging method is very easy and can be done quickly. Plastic strapping can be used to hold corrugated boxes together.

3. Clamshell packaging

Clamshell packaging is very important for fruit. They provide ventilation through their perforation. Overall, there are three types of fruit packaging that provide superior ventilation:

Closed packaging, without holes— this is made from a very thin film. Through a disintegration process, it allowed gasses to slowly pass through it.

Micro-perforated packaging–this is packed with holes, and it allows carbon dioxide, water vapors, and oxygen to pass through it.

Macro-perforated packing–this is packed with large holes specifically for ventilation.

It’s really important to choose the right kind of flexible fruit packaging materials in order to ensure that the fruit remains fresh. The same goes for vegetable packaging. If you want your fresh products to remain fresh and ready for your consumers to eat, then you’re going to need to choose the right package.

4. What about dairy?

Dairy products are just as important as produce. Most dairy packages have to meet standards, though, and there is a requirement to make sure that the products remain safe during transport and while on the shelves.

Temperature and Moisture

Dairy cartons have to be able to withstand certain temperatures and levels of moisture. It also needs to be able to block out UV rays and look good sitting on the shelves of your local grocery store. For some farmers, it also might be important that dairy cartons are BPA-free or that they are made from some kind of sustainable material. Regardless of what they’re made of, dairy cartons must be durable and resistant to freezing cold.

5. Stretch Film

Overwrap film remains one of the most popular packaging options out there because it’s easy to use and cheap. It is typically used to wrap things or to cover things, like cling wrap.

Packaging in Agriculture Large-Scale Use

Packaging in agriculture in bulk costs very little and will allow customers to see inside the package before they buy it, which can encourage them to make the purchase. On a larger scale,  stretch film is used to keep bulk packages on pallets together. Plus, this high-performance stretch film can stand up to a range of atmospheric conditions. Plastic strapping might also be added to pallet shipments for added security. These products can help to keep foods fresh and minimize losses during the shipment and storage processes.

From bulk shipments to retail packaging at grocery stores, the agricultural packaging being used is a major consideration for farm businesses. Choosing the proper packaging for your products can reduce losses, keep foods fresh, and make them more appealing to consumers.

From bulk shipments to retail packaging at grocery stores, the agricultural packaging being used is a major consideration for farm businesses. Choosing the proper packaging for your products can reduce losses, keep food fresh, and make them more appealing as well.

Our agriculture packaging is made to preserve and protect your food. The woven poly bag is made to be durable and holds up well. Let us handle all your crop packaging products! Our consumers and their needs are very important to us.

Thank you for reading our blog!  Contact us today.

26 Mar 2017
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What Can the EBS Handjet Printer Do for You?

Your old hand coder has finally done it last job. After all the problems you had with that antique hand coder (labor intensive, expensive, and poor ink management), you are looking for a more up-to-date method for marking the items. It might be a good time to consider the latest in lightweight, wireless, compact coding: The HandJet series of EBS handheld printers. The EBS series are the latest in the line of handheld coders. Newer features and greater functionality are built in to make your coding tasks even faster to accomplish. Here are a few of the ways that the HandJet EBS series can help to make your coding go faster and with fewer snags.

handjet printerImproved Printing Capabilities

Of course, the main use of your handheld printer is for labeling. EBS handheld printers feature a number of printing improvements compared to that old hand coder.

Increased Print Height

With EBS printers, the letter and symbol sizes are available, to 32 dots @ up to 2.2”. They are capable of providing up to four lines of code. Printed letters and symbols become sharper and less likely to be misread.

Larger Ink Cartridge

The capacity of the ink cartridge has been increased and is capable of printing up to 200,000 characters (doubled from 100,000 characters) over a 7×5 matrix. No more frequent stopping to refill your handheld printer.

A Wide Variety of Message Sizes

The print image height is expanded and can now print messages from .276” to 2.2”, and can print those sizes as a single line or multi-line message. Now you’re able to print clear, legible messages in any size, and print those messages on the smallest or largest of items.

Print Messages on Many Different Surfaces

Messages can be printed on porous and non-porous surfaces including corrugated steel, paper, film, foil, glass, metal, lumber, and concrete. EBS handheld printers are able to print needed symbols or messages on just about any surface you can imagine.

More Control Over Your Printing Task

Not only are your printing choices expanded with EBS handheld printers, so is your ability to preview and control what you print. No more guessing what the message will end up looking like, or where it will end up on your item.

Touchscreen Precision

EBS series handheld printers are equipped with an on-board, touch screen controller, which is fully colorized. When a quick adjustment is needed, you won’t have to do anything more than enter needed changes (color, font, size, expiration dates, counters) using the touch screen, and you’re back in business.

A Wide Variety of Graphics Packages, Fonts, and Symbols

No longer will you be limited to only a few, pre-installed font types or symbols. The EBS series comes loaded with a wide variety of national characters, graphics, and variable fields. The 2-gigabyte memory has more than enough room for downloading of special fonts (TrueType, Google). You can even access a Firefox browser through your unit.

Large, easily readable screen

Now you can view your exact printing task through the onboard, hardened, 3.5” (diagonal measure) viewer. Not only can you view the message being printed, but you have all the necessary printing options available at your fingertips. Simply touch the required change on the screen, and you’re back to your printing with nary an interruption.

Laser-guided positioning

EBS printers are equipped with a built-in laser guidance system to ensure precise message positioning. With an easy-to-follow laser targeting system to guide your message positioning, you’ll never have to search for symbols or messages again.

Almost Limitless Ink Options

Regardless of the types of materials your printing will adorn, the EBS series can handle it. Whether your ink is of a quick-drying variety, or if your packaging requires its own specific type of ink (ethanol, acetone, MEK based, UV legible, or food-grade) the HandJet can handle it. Even better, the unit comes with an easily installed cleaning cartridge that will flush the system when it’s time to change the ink.

Print From Any Angle

In addition to these options, EBS series handheld printers will print your symbol or letter message from any angle. The latest generation of HandJet EBS handheld printers is built with the user’s comfort in mind. They are designed for long-term use. The unit weighs just over 3 ½ lbs and is ergonomically designed for balance and comfort. The power supply can either be an external (24V), or internal. A fully-charged battery can provide up to 16 hours of continuous operation under normal conditions. The EBS series has communication capability built in. You can connect to WiFi, Bluetooth, or USS.

Proper marking of your shippable items is an important and critical part of your business. With the newer generation of HandJet EBS series handheld printers, your labeling tasks will become more precise, and easier to accomplish.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

08 Mar 2017
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Top Bulk Bag Terms Agricultural Buyers Should Know

Any industry you work in is going to have a certain language and words specific to that line of work. It’s important to make sure you understand what some of those words and terms may mean, as it could be critical to you completing your job. The following are some of the most common bulk bag terms that agricultural buyers should know.

bulk bagBaffle

A baffle is when pieces of fabric or a different material are sewn across the corner of a tubular or four-panel bag. This helps improve the squareness of the bag and also helps to improve the stability of the load and be more efficient with storage space.


Volume is the size or the amount of a particular material that a container is capable of holding. Typically, you’ll see volume given in terms of cubic feet.

Bottom Spout

The bottom spout is also sometimes referred to as the discharge spout. Essentially, this is used as an outlet to help you empty the contents of a container.

Coated Fabric/Bags

Fabric or bags that are coated on the inside with polypropylene, help reduce the moisture present inside of the bag and also helps reduce contents from shifting. It prevents moisture from getting on the inside and it can also be referred to as a non-breathable or laminated fabric/bags.


Polyester is a type of polymer that is typically used to help produce a wide variety of yarns and threads. However, it is typically not easy to recycle along with a polypropylene container because the polymers are virtually incompatible when together.

UV Stabilized

This is a particular feature that uses technology to help protect against the UV rays given off by the sun if it happens to make direct contact with the container. It is typically an additive blended with resin prior to removing the yarns that help provide the UV protection on containers.


Hemming is a sewing technique that helps prevent cut fabric from fraying. Additionally, it helps add strength throughout the entire bag. Typically, hemming is done by folding and sewing the material, but it can also be done using glue. Hemming will help provide a clean finish to the container and can be done towards the inside or outside of the bag, whichever you prefer. Lastly, hemming can help you achieve the desired size you’re looking to get.

Belt Patch

The belt patch is a piece of fabric that gets sewn between the main fabric on the bag and the lift belt. This helps improve the shift resistance and also the safe working load because it provides you with a stronger and more durable lift.

Cord Lock

Cord locks are a device that helps hold rope or cord in place in a bag so that it can stay closed at all times. For the most part, these come in a wide variety of sizes and they help reduce the need for hand tied knots.

Approval Drawing

As the name would suggest, an approval drawing is a drawing given to the customer for their review. The customer is able to look it over prior to production and give feedback. This is to ensure that everything is up to the customers’ needs and expectations before production begins.

Production Drawings

Production drawings are documents that detail all of the specific information you need to make the bulk bags, such as dimensions, features, components and special instructions. These details are always approved by the customer first.

Sanitary Flap

The sanitary flap is on the bottom of the container and helps protect the entire bottom surface for cleanliness and wear. Sanitary flaps can also be referred to as protective bottoms in some situations.


The seam on a bag or container is the sew line that is made by attaching or assembling two components together. Most times, the seam is clearly visible on the product, therefore making it easy to identify.

Document Pouch

Document pouches are typically made of either polyethylene or polypropylene and it’s where all shipping and identifying documents are placed. Typically this will be on the outside of a box and can commonly be referred to as a pocket or envelope.

Cone Top

Similar to an inlet, a cone top is where the top is a pyramid shape to allow for overfilling of the bag. This is also referred to as a conical top at times.

Amazingly enough, these are only just a few words on the long list of terms that you could benefit from knowing when it comes to bulk bag terms. There are a lot of different terms that didn’t get discussed in this post, but this post does detail some of the more important and prominent terms you’re probably going to hear.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

11 Feb 2017
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Polypropylene and Bulk Bags Are the Perfect Match

You may have seen large bulk bags in other places of business that you visit during your personal or professional life, but may not have considered the thoughtful design involved to make them. If you already use super sacks, you probably take for granted the woven polypropylene bulk bags you see every day in your business to store all of your products. It helps to learn about the wonderful match made between polypropylene and bulk bags when it comes to deciding which products are right for your warehouse operation.

bulk bagsWhat Is Polypropylene

Wholesale polypropylene fabric is a durable plastic used in a huge number of applications because of its incredible versatility and can even be woven or mesh. It has a high melting point but is lightweight and can easily be dyed without impacting the strength and durability of the substance. It is highly flexible while retaining all the qualities that make it one of the best plastics. This combination of qualities makes it ideal for integrating into bulk bags used to store and transport agricultural dry goods.

Keep Goods Safe and Dry

Like most plastics, polypropylene resists water so it keeps cargo safe and dry. In addition to not absorbing water, it also does not mold. This means that its integrity cannot be compromised due to mold or damp environments. Another benefit of polypropylene is that this material can take a great deal of damage before breaking. It is not a likely candidate for breakage or splitting during shipment. All of these traits add up to an optimal solution as to what material to use for huge storage bags that will keep the cargo safe and secure during transport and storage.

How It Is Made

Polypropylene itself was made by two chemists, Karl Rehn and Giulio Natta, back in 1954 when they polymerized it from petroleum. Three years later, this chemical breakthrough became a staple in commercial productions such as wholesale bulk bags.

Woven to Perfection to Create the Ideal Barrier

Manufacturers weave strands of polypropylene together to create the bulk bags similar to the way that threads are woven together to make clothing. These bags can be made into a standard woven bag, a laminated woven bag to provide an even better barrier for water and contaminants, UV sandbags that can be used for natural disasters and paper laminated bags that offer the convenience of paper with all of the benefits of polypropylene. Plus, these big bags can be customized for any type of business use, including branding and promotion.

Benefits of Polypropylene Bags in Bulk

All of the factors that make polypropylene special help to make woven polypropylene bulk bags perfect for everyday use. They’re lightweight and heavy-duty, which are the best traits to have in materials that you use for shipping and storing. This means they will not add unnecessary weight to a product that is already heavy when it comes to shipping costs. Yet you do not want to get a light material that will not hold up to the wear and tear of the constant movement associated with dry goods.

Fantastically Flexible

Polypropylene is flexible without splitting, which means it holds up under pressure no matter the shape of the container. Finally, the properties of plastic that keep these wholesale PP woven bags from absorbing water, contaminants, and mold are all excellent when it comes to storing agricultural products. Maintaining the integrity of dry goods means fewer losses and greater profits over the long haul.

Impact of Polypropylene Bags in Bulk for Agricultural Uses

The impact that polypropylene bulk bags have had on the agricultural industry is remarkable because these bags have revolutionized the way that products are stored and transported. These bags make it much easier to move agricultural products from farm to factory. Farmers and other agricultural businesses always look for ways to save money because every penny counts. The fact that these bags provide a lighter way to transport items saves on shipping costs.

Efficiency Matters

In addition, these bags don’t require pallets because of the way that they have been designed for lifting, moving, and storing. Food-grade packaging is more efficient thanks to polypropylene, and efficiency saves money while adding to your profits. Polypropylene bulk storage bags make dollars and sense for your agricultural business.

Any agricultural business can benefit from moving from smaller paper bags and other packing options to polypropylene woven bulk bags. You will appreciate the different benefits that come from using this wonderful plastic creation, including easy packaging, better storage while waiting for orders, and easier transport from your place to your customers. And your customers will notice the ease that comes with processing your shipment in their own facilities. Here at Western Packaging, we can be your manufacturer and wholesale provider of our bags for sale.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

11 Jan 2017
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Using Polypropylene Straps in the Agricultural Industry

When you have to deal with moving massive amounts of products from one location to another, you want to get the job done quickly and productively. That’s where polypropylene straps or other straps come in. However, choosing the correct straps is an important decision to make. You want your straps to successfully ease your transportation efforts instead of worrying about it coming apart at the seams. Therefore, you should look at your options before tying yourself into one type of strap.

polypropylene strapsStrapping: What Is It?

Strapping is defined as using a flat material to bundle items together to hold them in place. However, strapping can also be used to reinforce or fasten products and is ideal for shipping a large amount of product. Many industries strap, including construction, shipping, packaging, lumber, etc. Strapping is also extremely useful in the agricultural industry. When it comes to strapping, there are two broad options to choose from: steel and plastic.


Also known as steel banding, steel strapping was first introduced in the 19th century. Today, it is made by flattening the metal by rolling it. Steel banding comes from two types of rolling: hot rolling and cold rolling. Rolling can be done when the temperature of the metal is below the recrystallization of the metal and when it is higher than it. This is how hot rolling and cold rolling got their names.

Use of Steel Straps

Steel straps come in a plethora of thicknesses, widths, and variations in the grade of steel. Straps are built for regular duty, which can hold up to 12,500 pounds and high tensile and uses a low carbon steel to make a high strength and stretch strap for shock resistance. It is mainly used for heavy loads that need strength and minimal stretch. While useful in some cases, it does have its disadvantages, such as the possibility of rusting, tearing, or scratching of cargo, lashing and tightening of bounds, heavier weight, higher cost, and the possibility of injury.


Plastic has much more variety, making it a viable option for a range of applications. Plastic straps come in three different types: nylon, polyester, and polypropylene.


Nylon strapping has the greatest specific strength of the three plastics, according to its strength/weight ratio. Nylon is strong, but it is expensive.


Polyester is another strong plastic product and can come in woven or nonwoven options. Woven polyester is the most popular choice of the two due to its filaments being weaved together to create a ratcheting tensioner and high joint efficient buckle.


This type of strapping is considered light to medium-duty and is the most economical option for a variety of reasons. Polypropylene is the most commonly used of all the strapping materials and comes in different widths, thicknesses, and polymer variations. Polypropylene is recyclable, so it is a more environmentally-friendly option for your product. It has high elongation and recovery, but it does not retain its tension, which will be problematic for solid, heavy items such as a solid brick of products. Also, caution must be used if it will be exposed to UV rays for extended periods of time.

Polypropylene in Agriculture

Polypropylene strapping is best used in agriculture because the products that are being transported do not usually include heavy bricks of concrete or related materials. There a few main reasons that the agricultural industry uses polypropylene when strapping: affordability, durability, and a variety of applications.


As mentioned above, polypropylene is the cheapest choice for strapping. Not only are they the cheapest choice but they are multi-functional. These straps can be used as promotional and marketing tools for your company. Polypropylene can be printed with your company name and logo so that your brand is seen at various locations. If your strapping needs do not require the ability to hold together large blocks of concrete, then you can save a buck, up your marketing efforts, and opt for this option.


Polypropylene is resistant to water and additional chemicals that may be present in your products, which makes it uniquely qualified to transfer goods, crops, soil, weeding chemicals, etc. Furthermore, because of its lightweight and ability to contract and expand, it will move with your items to ensure that they remain tightly packed and in their proper shapes – especially in variable temperatures. They can hold up to 2,000 pounds and can be sealed with friction welds, seals, buckles, and heat seals. They also do not require as much maintenance as the steel straps. All you have to remember is to keep the straps out of the sunlight because, as warned above, they can become compromised.

Variety of Applications

While the other options for strapping are more rigid and only used for basically one purpose (keeping together tough, heavy objects), polypropylene straps can be put to use for virtually anything. You can transport sacks, boxes, bags, crates, or whatever else you need to move.

Its unique ability to take the shape of your product makes it the most versatile choice, which, in agriculture, can be pretty useful. If polypropylene straps meet your needs, then the price and durability make it the best and most affordable option. Discover the myriad of benefits associated with using polypropylene straps in agriculture.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

28 Aug 2016
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Bulk Bags – An Important Part of the Agricultural Industry

Modern agriculture and farming techniques have evolved rapidly during the last few decades. Improvements have been made and are constantly being updated, in all facets of the agriculture industry. With the advent of more effective weed control, fertilizer, seeds, techniques, and strategies, agriculture has become a more streamlined, less wasteful enterprise. This includes the savvy use of bulk bags and bulk bag containers, also referred to as flexible intermediate bulk containers.

bulk bagsBulk Bags are Designed to Fit Your Requirements

Waste and spillage have always had a negative effect on a farmer’s bottom line, but with advancing petrochemical (polypropylene) technology, more efficient methods of storage, transportation, and disposal, flexible Intermediate bulk containers (FIBC’s or bulk bags) have become an important part of today’s agriculture industry. Here are some of the many ways that bulk bags can improve the bottom line for today’s agriculture professionals.

Multiple Sizes Available

There are different sizes and load parameters available when considering a flexible intermediate bulk container. Normally, bulk bags will have a width between 45 and 48 inches which enables them to be loaded side-by-side in a standard 96-inch wide semi-trailer. With many different sizes available, agricultural professionals can maximize their storage or transportation requirements. For example, there are heavy-duty FIBCs and ones that can handle up to one ton of product.

Tremendous Weight to Load Ratio

Since they are considered “intermediate,” bulk bags are designed for loads of up to 5000 pounds. Bulk bags weigh between 5 – 7 lbs. per unit. Therefore, the amount of product which can be transported is increased significantly when compared to other storage products. This enables the transportation or storage of large amounts of material within a fairly small area, a factor which is crucial when considering your bottom line.

Multi-Use Bulk Bags

Most super sack variants are multiple-use designs. The 5:1 ratio bags are single-use bags and are capable of holding between 500 – 4000 pounds of product. Six to one ratio bags and UN approved 6:1 bags can be used multiple times.

Product Protection

Bag liners are available to add moisture protection when storing your product. They can be sewn into the fabric seams for permanent protection. Bulk bags with a bottom discharge can employ a liner which is “tabbed” into all eight corners of the container. Tabbing prevents the bag from slipping during discharge. Bag liners are constructed of polyethylene.

Sack Designs to Suit Your Needs

Different materials require different methods of loading or unloading a super sack. There are standard bag designs. However, if the need arises, bulk bags can also be customized to suit a customer’s needs. Bulk bags (FIBC’s) come in a duffle top, open-top, or spout top. Spouts can be customized to fit the particular filling apparatus. Bag bottoms are available in a number of different styles. For a faster unload, conical bottom bags are available. Bulk bags are also available with a closed bottom, diaper bottom, or fully open configurations.

Additional Customization for Bulk Bags

In addition to specifically designed bag bottoms, the lift loops can be tailored for forklift or crane lifting. Loops can be configured in a “corners,” “cross corners,” or “Stevedore” manner. Bulk bags can also be personalized by requesting custom logo printing or bag colors.

Bulk Bags Have Many Uses for Your Agricultural Needs

With the versatility of bulk bags in mind, there are ways FIBC’s can be used by agricultural businesses to help control the bottom line.

Transportation and Storage of Fertilizer

Without a doubt, any agricultural venture would be greatly hampered without fertilizer. FIBC’s protect the fertilizer as it is transported, ensuring that it will be effective when needed. The right fertilizer, stored in the proper manner is a must for a successful business. Bulk bags can store, protect, and transport fertilizer, and are of great utility in the distribution of this precious commodity. Whether an agricultural business uses organic or inorganic fertilizer, bulk bags are the safest, most economical way to protect this investment.

Transportation and Storage of Seed

Right behind fertilizer in agricultural importance is the seed. Without seeds, there is no crop to harvest. The seed can be adversely affected by so many factors including moisture, rodents, birds, and time. Proper storage is a must. When used in a cool, dry, environment, bulk bags will protect the seed for up to a year against adverse conditions and pests.

Crop Storage and Transportation

Harvesting ultimately requires the storage and transportation of the crops. Bulk bags can help businesses to get the most profit from their efforts. They are the most efficient, affordable, convenient, and cost-effective manner for transporting crops to their end destination.

A damaged product is a useless product. Super sack bulk containers will help protect harvested crops, even if storage is required until it is time for transportation. Businesses can count on a healthy, profitable harvest.

If you found us by searching the web for bulk bags for sale near you, we are happy you are here and thank you for reading our blog. How can we help you? Contact us today with any questions you may have and ask for our special price for bulk bags.

31 Jul 2016
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The Best Packaging to Use for Agricultural Bulk Shipping

Agricultural packaging is essential to the food industry. Packaging prevents food from being spoiled or ruined by pests or toxins from packages. In a health conscious world demanding to know where our food comes from, the packaging is crucial. Some packages may not hold up very well, and may become susceptible to pests or the external elements such as wet weather. For these reasons, bulk bags are one of the most affordable and effective ways to store and transport dry goods and produce. Consider the packaging best used for agricultural bulk shipping.

300x250The Importance of Agricultural Packaging

In the United States, there are over three million people farming and/or ranching. Many agricultural products, particularly dry goods and certain produce, are transported in bulk bags. Fresh products should be delivered to preserve the quality and integrity of the food. The freshness and taste are essential to selling excellent produce.

Eliminate Unnecessary Waste

About half of the food is wasted during the production process. Post-harvest treatment procedures and lack of storage or inadequate transportation also contribute to waste. The importance of agricultural packaging preserves as much food as possible. Excellent packaging can ensure short and long-term stability between farmers and the public.

Produce and Packaging

Produce should pair well with the type of packaging used. It helps the quality crop yields, especially for fresh produce. Different foods require different types of packaging. There are primary concerns that need to meet packaging standards. Ventilation is crucial to the packaging. Heat should be able to escape, and the produce should be able to cool quickly. Produce water loss should be minimized. It will help the produce stay fresh. When the produce spoils, it can become costly for the agricultural industry.

Safety Matters

The packaging should be safe to handle. Injuries should not occur from the packaging. It should be safe to transport and easy to handle. Bulk bags hold up to thousands of pounds of dry goods. The bulk bags are moved by machinery through the use of loops. These loops can be placed in certain locations for ease of operation. Bulk bags can be customized to meet the needs of all types of customers and shipments.

Special Packaging Is Often Required

Different products require different types of packaging. There should be a separate package for every single type of produce. There are several different types of packaging available. Case and carton, flexible packaging, and retail ready packaging are available. The packaging used for bulk shipments is a great concern as this is where the largest losses can occur. It must be durable, reliable, and suitable for the products being transported. For this reason, flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) are usually the containers of choice when companies are handling dry, flow-able goods such beans, rice, and more.

Improving the Shipment Processes

Packing that improves the shipment process is crucial. Packaging should be cost-effective as well and develop key branding. Bulk bags can be specially developed to accommodate the unique needs of each type of product being transported. For example, customized printing can be added to woven polypropylene bulk bags to help brand the business. This may include the company’s name, logo and/or slogan. The woven poly bulk bags can also be printed with the contents contained within to help keep regional, national, and international shipments well-organized.

Working With a Professional

Choosing the right packaging for your agricultural business’ needs can be a challenge. Measurements need to be taken. The types of products being transported and stored must be carefully considered. Wholesale bulk bags come in various sizes and materials. Work with a professional to determine which super sacks and configurations are ideal for your purposes. Western Packaging takes pride in helping its agricultural customers find the perfect solutions for their agricultural packaging needs.

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17 Jul 2016
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Polypropylene in Bulk Bags and Agricultural Strapping

The agricultural industry moves at a fast pace to keep up with product supply and customer demand. It is continually looking for ways to maximize production without having to sacrifice the quality of goods customers receive. The use of polypropylene in bulk bags and strapping used for agricultural packaging helps keep the industry production process running smoothly.

About Polypropylene

Polypropylene is a plastic resin chemical that combines propylene and other materials. Polypropylene bulk bags are made by first melting the plastic resin at a high temperature and then extruding it into thin strands. The strands are then woven into a mesh fabric, which is then coated with a protective layer that prevents it from being damaged by heat or sunlight. Once the fabric has been coated, it is cut into the desired size and shape to create the bulk bag. Adhesive is then applied along the seams to ensure that the bag is sealed and secure. Finally, the straps are added to the bag to provide additional support and stability. The finished product can be molded or reshaped into a new structure for use in various formats including packaging, labeling, textiles and plastic reusable containers.

Polypropylene in the Agricultural Industry

The agricultural industry leans towards polypropylene for its uncompromising quality, making it resistant to water and any additional chemicals that may be present. These elements do not alter the polypropylene’s properties, ensuring that it remains durable for even the most active use on a farm.

Basics About Bulk Bags

Bulk bags are in just about every aspect of the agricultural and farming industry. These bags are made from flexible fabrics that make storage and transportation of products and materials a hassle-free process. These bags feature one, two or four loops for use when loading and unloading the bags for transportation. A forklift can easily hook onto these loops and place the bags on a pallet or truck. When the products inside are ready for use, a single opening at the bottom allows for easy dispensing of the contents inside.

Using Bulk Bags in the Agricultural Industry

The agricultural industry utilizes bulk bags for packaging because of the durability and flexibility that the polypropylene material provides. For these bags, polypropylene is present in a woven format that is either coated or uncoated. The average measurement of these bags is 35 to 48 inches in diameter with a height of 35 to 80 inches. Polypropylene provides durability by creating bulk bags that can hold up to 2,000 pounds with ease. This material also allows for the bags to be lightweight, weighing only five to seven pounds when not in use.

Incorporating Polypropylene into Agricultural Bulk Bags

In the agricultural industry, many of the products are on the heavier side. Things such as sand, fertilizer, harvest crops and storage supplies can quickly go into the bulk bags without having to worry that the bag may break under the weight’s pressure. The presence of polypropylene removes that concern and allows the focus to remain on the task at hand.

Other Industries That Benefit From Polypropylene Bulk Bags 

Polypropylene bulk bags are not only used in the agricultural industry, but also in a variety of other industries. These bulk bags are used in the construction, manufacturing, and shipping industries due to their strength and durability. Polypropylene provides a lightweight yet strong material that can hold a large amount of weight, making it ideal for these industries. In addition, these bags are highly resistant to water and chemicals, making them even more suitable for these industries. Furthermore, the woven design of the fabric allows for easy loading and unloading, making them perfect for transportation and storage.

Basics About Strapping

Strapping is a vital component of the agricultural and farming industry. These straps are made of a flat material and can bind large quantities of items together for easier storage and transportation. Strapping can even be utilized for binding items together for shipping across the country. The polypropylene provides a level of security that serves as a binding agent that can withstand a rigorous shipping adventure or lengthy storage time inside a warehouse, without breaking or tearing. Once the item of interest is secured in place, a buckle seal closure forms. At that point, it can only be opened with a utility knife or heavy-duty pair of scissors.

Polypropylene Strapping in Agriculture

The agricultural industry benefits from using polypropylene strapping in virtually all aspects of the production process. These straps can easily transport animal feed from the storage location to the field when the animals’ feeding time arrives. Additional pallets of animal feed can be bound together for storage or sale to customers that may be in need of feed for their livestock. Bales of hay can also easily be stowed away in a warehouse and be accessed during feeding times or sold to customers who are in need of hay.

Advantages of Polypropylene Strapping

These straps are created to hold tightly to your item of choice while providing an adequate amount of movement tension. When in place, the straps move with the items they hold together while also expanding and contracting as needed due to changes in temperature. This makes polypropylene the ideal material for shipping or storage in a warehouse during seasonal weather changes. The polypropylene straps also provide the agricultural industry with the ability to engage in promotional marketing without breaking the bank. The durability of the straps and their availability in a variety of widths makes them the perfect promotional campaign format for farmers and others in the agricultural industry. These straps offer the chance to spread a message or promote a product or service when selling products bound together with them.

Safely transporting, storing and shipping goods and harvesting crops are vital parts of the agricultural industry. These items are often cumbersome and bulky in size and shape while also being in high demand by businesses and consumers. Bulk bags can easily accommodate products ranging from harvest crops for consumers to fertilizer for distribution in the fields. Proper strapping binds together a variety of goods for shipping or selling to consumers. Using bulk bags and strapping made from polypropylene is an economical and practical approach to managing the demands of the agricultural industry.

How Polypropylene Bulk Bags Can Save You Money

Polypropylene bulk bags are a cost-effective solution for businesses in the agricultural industry. They are lightweight and durable, meaning they can be reused multiple times and are less likely to be damaged during transportation. They are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes, making them suitable for a wide range of products. Additionally, they are resistant to moisture and can withstand changes in temperature, making them ideal for long-term storage. Furthermore, they are easy to produce, meaning they can be acquired at a low cost. These benefits all combine to create a cost-effective and efficient solution for businesses in the agricultural industry.

Contact Us Today For Your Bulk Bags 

Polypropylene strapping is an invaluable tool in the agricultural industry where storage, transportation, and selling of goods is commonplace. Its durability, temperature resistance, and affordability make it the perfect choice for agricultural needs. If you are looking for a reliable and cost-effective strapping and bulk bag solution, contact our team at Western Packaging today to learn more about how we can help!

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18 Mar 2016
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Agricultural Uses for Stretch Film Pallet Wrap

Stretch film is one of the most commonly used products in the agriculture industry. Stretch film is usually made of linear low-density polyethylene or LLDP. This material is what gives stretch film its most common characteristics, such as the ability to extend far past its original size and puncture resistance. Other key characteristics of stretch film include limited gas permeability, resistance to UV light, and the ability to adapt to different atmospheric conditions. Some factors to consider when purchasing stretch film include thickness and moisture resistance. There are a variety of agricultural uses for stretch film pallet wrap, from protecting items in transit to transporting bales of hay and much more. Consider these ways to use stretch film pallet wrap in agriculture, from the earliest stages to the latest.

Wrapping Bale Silage

When wrapping bale silage, it is crucial to make sure that the film you are using has a high stretching capacity and minimum gas permeability. Mold growth is the most common affliction that ruins bales of hay, It can fester in bales that are inadequately stored and transported. Stretch film is ideal in such situations as the film can easily cover the bale as soon as it is pressed, preventing heating and mold growth. Additionally, stretch film that can withstand different atmospheric conditions allows you to be sure that your bale is being protected from the elements. Film that can limit UV exposure can further protect bales over long-distance transit as it keeps the grass as fresh as it was when wrapped.

Storing Produce

It is important to protect produce while it is awaiting transportation. Since stretch film is so resilient against changing weather conditions, farmers can easily wrap their crops and produce in bulk and store the products in a dry space for a short period of time until the products are ready to be moved. Most of the harm that shortens the lifespan of produce comes from exposure to outside elements, such as heat and air. Wrapping the produce as soon as possible can protect it from these elements. As long as you keep your produce in storage for a reasonable amount of time, stretch film can extend the freshness of your products.

Centralizing Products

In keeping with the idea of storage, stretch film can also help centralize a farmer’s products, easing organization and maximizing space. Once wrapped and stacked, pallets of produce can be wrapped as a unit, creating a clean and angled pallet, about three feet high. This allows farmers to store their products efficiently in a small warehouse or loading dock before the next scheduled time for transit. The strong load retention of stretch film can mean more products stored in smaller spaces, opening up more floor space for more produce. Additionally, stretch film helps to maintain the shape and integrity of produce as it is stored. This makes it easier to transport the produce in an organized manner, which can help reduce the risk of damage and spoilage. Stretch film also helps to reduce the risk of cross-contamination, as it can prevent different kinds of produce from coming into contact with one another. In these cases, space is money – and you cannot afford to waste either.

Moving Produce

For farmers that regularly transport produce, stretch film pallet wrap is a fundamental part of their business. The wrap encompasses all the products that are transported. It is commonly wrapped around these products four to eight times. The thickness of the wrap changes the amount of overlaps needed. This method ensures that when the pallets of produce are moved the produce does not shake too much in its packaging. When the wrap is too loose, the produce can get bruised or broken, resulting in lost profit for the farmer. The idea of continued freshness and efficient centralization also carries over into transit. Stretch film that can protect against the elements can ensure that the produce remains in optimal condition, from the farm to the table.

Contact Us Today For Your Stretch Film Needs

The versatility of stretch film pallet wrap makes it an integral part of a farmer’s life. Stretch film pallet wrap is involved in nearly every stage of a crop’s life, from seedling to transportation. The protection it offers is the difference between wasted produce and happy buyers, and its efficiency makes the difference between a chaotic warehouse and an organized one. Plus, stretch film can be customized to suit your needs, from hay wrap to hand wrap.

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