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Does Environmental Conditions Affect Your Packaging?

Environmental conditions can take a toll on your packaging. You never know what conditions your products are going to travel through. Damage to your packaging poses a risk for the items that are inside. They can be damaged before they even arrive to customers. Western Packaging can help you make the best decisions for packaging your products.

What Are Environmental Issues With Packaging?

The packaging that your items are in can get damaged by environmental elements. They will most likely be indoors and outdoors several times, both shipping and storing at the final destination. They have the potential of experiencing several different weather changes, such as:

  • Uv Rays From Sunlight
  • Heat
  • Rain 
  • Snow

If environmental issues will have a negative effect on your packaging, this can be a real problem. It will affect your bottom line, as well as your relationship with your customer. Damage to the items that are inside of the packaging isn’t going to leave a very happy customer when they receive it. Some of the environmental conditions that packages can experience are explained below.

Water Damage

You never know when it is going to rain while your package is in the shipping process. When it is raining outside, your package may get wet. While slight moisture may not be detrimental, significant water can damage the packaging. As well as the product inside. 

You also have to consider where the package is being stored when it arrives at its location. Soil, dirt, fertilizer, animal feed, and more are oftentimes stored in outdoor locations. If the items that you have inside of your packaging will be impacted by getting wet, this can be a big problem. An investment in packaging that can withstand moisture occurring can help.

Sunlight Damage

When packages are in transit, they are subject to many elements of the weather. Sunlight is one of them, and which it also generates heat. This can be a problem for a couple of different reasons. The package can fade from the UV rays and cause it to not be legible. 

Many items are stored in outdoor locations. Stores that carry animal feed and gardening soil, usually store them outdoors. When the packaging that is used cannot withstand the sunlight and heat, that is not a good scenario. It is a good idea to have proper packaging that can withstand these types of scenarios. 

How To Better Protect Your Packages

You need to ensure that your packaging can hold up to the environmental conditions it is in, you need to do what you can to protect them. Western Packaging has options for you to best protect your packages. Some of the options that they have are:

  • Laminated Woven Polypropylene Bags That Have A Moisture Barrier
  • UV Sandbags With Strings To Better Withstand Sunlight
  • Hay Sleeves To Help With Moisture Control
  • And More

Sunlight, heat, and water can damage your packaging and the products inside. When the right packaging is used for the environment it could be experiencing, your products are better protected. Customers will be much happier with the appearance and the quality of the items as well. 

Let Western Packaging Help you With Packaging Needs

Western Packaging can help you with the proper packaging for your products. We are a reputable company that can provide you with the products that you need for packaging. If you have questions about what is best for you, one of our team members would be glad to assist you. Please contact us.

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