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How to Choose Between Polypropylene, Steel, and Polyester Types of Strapping in Colorado

Sometimes it is easier when you only have one variety to choose from but sometimes variety helps our businesses run more efficiently and can save us money. New innovations have allowed the packing industry to be more environmentally friendly and allow for each business to personalize their loads.  Western Packaging offers three types of strapping to suit your needs and we’re going to help you to decide whether polypropylene, steel, or polyester is right for you.

Why Do I need Strapping?

Strapping is an important part of storing and shipping goods. It adds extra protection and secures heavy items so your product stays the way you packed it. It also protects the merchandise and goods of others.

Strapping is also part of the shipping requirements for all major shipping companies like USPS or UPS. You can visit their website for specific requirements and specifications, typically pallets over 150 pounds require some sort of strapping. Adding the extra reinforcement saves you time and money when it’s all said and done.

Polypropylene Strapping, The Economical Choice

Polypropylene is the newest technology in strapping materials, it has an abundance of benefits and is very versatile. Polypropylene is used in the food industry, for newspapers, corrugated boxes, and general packaging. It is very economical and is used for light, medium, and some heavy loads.

Unlike Polyester and steel, polypropylene allows for more elongation but over time it may not be recoverable so if you have extra heavy loads this is not the strapping for you. This type of strap can be printed on and applied with manual tools, automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, hand, electric, or battery operated tools. A high-quality propylene strap is a great choice for those without hot, sharp, or extra heavy loads.

Steel, Standing The Test of Time

Steel was the strapping that paved the way for everything after it. It is the oldest and is still the strongest out of all the straps available. If you have heavy-duty loads and do not need any elongation steel may be a good choice for you. It is also used for sharp or heated loads that would melt or cut through other types of strapping.

The downside to steel is that it is on the expensive side, it is rather dangerous with its sharp edges, and it’s hard to recycle. Steel strapping can be applied with manual tools or electric and battery operated tools. Many industries have started to phase out steel straps but if you feel this is the right choice for your business Western Packaging can help you.

Polyester Strapping, Strong and Recyclable

Polyester strapping is the strongest next to steel with a high level of retained retention making it a great choice for those with heavy-duty loads. Polyester is the most rigid, is nick resistant, and recyclable making it a practical choice for those looking for these characteristics. If your load needs high-tension initially along with retainable tension, polyester is the strap for your shipment.

The downside to polyester strapping is that there is not a lot of elongation to the straps. So if you need something with a little “give” this strap will not give you that, a high-quality polypropylene is the better option. You can apply and secure your polyester straps with manual tools, electric or battery operated tools, or automatic machines.

Call Today For Questions and Orders

If you have specific questions about polypropylene, steel or polyester strapping give Western Packaging a call. We have people who are knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

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