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01 Jun 2021
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Is Agricultural Waste A Problem?

When we think of global warming and pollution, we often blame large corporations and vehicle emissions. It’s rare that we connect farming with pollution. Agricultural pollution is on the rise and accounts for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions. But to figure out how to solve the agricultural waste problem, it’s important to understand what agricultural waste is and how agricultural waste does harm the environment.

What Is Agricultural Waste?

Agricultural waste is products disposed of by small and large farms, factories, poultry, and dairy farms. These products are both unintentionally and intentionally disposed of. There are several different types and examples of agricultural waste.

  1. Green waste– this type of waste is considered to come from organic plant matter. Leaves, crop waste, and other materials that decompose. 
  2. Pesticide and feces runoff– pesticides and manure are known to leech into the soil. This not only has the potential to damage soil fertility but also other habitats, animals, and bodies of water. Throughout history, there have been many reported instances of pesticide runoff along with animal feces leaking into surrounding water supplies. 
  3. Gas emissions- Factories and farm machinery produce gas emissions that damage the atmosphere. Methane gas is also produced by the feces of animals, in particular cattle. Livestock emissions are responsible for 14 to 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions. 

How Does Agricultural Waste Impact Us Locally? 

Los Angeles, CA, is an example of how emissions affect local areas. Though most of the pollution created in this region is from high traffic, overpopulation is a classic example of pollution effects. The city has its own weather patterns that are different from surrounding areas. This is theorized to result from pollution. Agricultural trash can produce similar results. 

Not only can this type of pollution damage the quality of the air we breathe but the water we drink. Feces and chemicals are often pumped into holding ponds that have the potential to contaminate groundwater. This can affect local areas and cause numerous health issues. These holding ponds can sometimes overflow resulting in catastrophic damages. 

How Does Agricultural Waste Impact Us Globally?

Globally, we know that waste creates air pollution which damages our atmosphere. These gases from large factory farms, which are one of the direct causes of agricultural waste, release greenhouse gases known as methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. The greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere causing numerous damages like:

  • Global warming 
  • Low air quality
  • Respiratory complications 
  • Smog
  • Violent weather 
  • Wildfires
  • Melting polar ice caps 
  • Issues with food supply 

What Can We Do To Reduce It? 

There are many efforts we can make as individuals and collectively as a planet to address the agricultural waste problem. The leaders in the agricultural industry are required to apply certain management practices to reduce environmental damage. However, it is not enough. Here are some ways to help:

  • Recycling is one effort all of us can make to help reduce trash. By doing so, we can significantly reduce landfill waste and emissions. 
  • Write your state representatives- there is not as much regulation over agricultural garbage as one would think. Despite the numerous lawsuits and movies made, water contamination regulation needs tremendous attention. Emerging contaminants (ECs) are materials within the water supply that are difficult to measure. Hormones, antibiotics, and pharmaceuticals are examples of this. There is little to no regulation on how much of these are allowed in the water. We need to do better as a country. 
  • Supply and demand- if we as a society create a shift in the needs the supply would change. For example, if we stopped buying a certain produce or meat product in the industry, we default.

Contact Us Today 

At Western Packaging, we are continually developing products that help improve methods for farmers and contractors. We share the goal of reducing agricultural waste by developing products that save time, energy, and resources. Give us a call today!

05 Mar 2021
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3 Ways Agricultural Waste Can Be Reduced

Agricultural waste is something that has strict laws about how it to dispose of it. Farmers have to understand what agricultural waste is, so they can decide whether recycling farm waste or disposal of farm waste is better for their situation. Farmers are going to vary in the type of waste and the amount of waste that they have. It is going to depend on the size of the farm and the type of work that is being done.

When you find ways to reduce agricultural waste that is being produced, it is better for the environment. Western Packaging has feed bags, industrial packaging, and other packaging needs that farmers may have.

What Is Agricultural Waste?

There are so many different kinds of waste that can accumulate from farming, such as agricultural sewage. The amount of items that it takes to take care of farming and animals is a lot. That is why it is a good idea to reduce as much as possible. A few of the many things that can create waste agriculturally are:

  • Crop Residue
  • Leaf Litter
  • Sawdust
  • Livestock Waste
  • Forest Waste
  • Weeds
  • Pesticides
  • Oil

Why Agricultural Waste Is A Problem

The contents of agricultural waste can be a big problem for the environment. If not disposed of correctly, these items can cause pollution trouble. There are many different chemicals and substances that are used for agricultural reasons, and livestock. This is why proper agricultural waste solutions must be established for hazardous items.

When hazardous items are not disposed of properly, they can cause trouble in other areas. Such as rivers and streams. This poses a harmful situation for animals and people. It is best for everyone that agricultural waste is reduced to create fewer hazards.

Ways To Reduce Agricultural Waste

There are many ways that farmers will choose to get rid of waste. Not all are good options, such as burning it. That is putting pollutants in the air.

Purchase Control

It is so easy to overbuy products. Especially, when you own a farm and are not sure of the exact amount you may need. There are also times that you may think it is better to buy more upfront than come back to the store more often. 

This can sometimes work but oftentimes ends up resulting in more waste. A good way to make sure you are only buying what is needed is to take inventory regularly. This will help you to only buy what is absolutely needed and reduce the amount of waste that is being created. 


Farmers can reduce waste by composting many of their items. They are good for the soil and help the plants to grow. This is a great environmentally friendly option that farmers can take advantage of. Some of the many things that you should compost are:

  • Animal Waste
  • Plants
  • Weeds and Grass Cuttings
  • Leaves, Straw, and Hay


It is a great idea to find ways to recycle waste. There are many items that are used for agricultural purposes that you may be able to reuse. Find another use for it or transform it into something that will benefit you. Some items such as:

  • Organic Fertilizer
  • Plastic Tote Bags
  • Containers
  • Old Tires

You can keep recyclable items separate from other waste. This way it can be disposed of properly and not fill landfills. Some of the many items that you can recycle are:

  • Glass Items
  • Any Cardboard
  • Metal And Plastic 
  • Rubber and Tires
  • Batteries

Western Packaging Can Help

If you are looking for a good option to help with agricultural waste, let Western Packing help. Our team is experienced in the field of all things packaging. We can help you find the items you need to reduce the amount of waste you are producing. Contact us today to get the information you need!

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