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Ways That Your Company Can Enhance Community Relations

No matter what type of business you run a huge part of growth and building a strong foundation is community relations. Western Packaging works hard to do the same thing and we are happy to pass along some of our tips from working in this industry for so long. 

Strong community relations also help to build trust and attract good workers. Additionally, community groups frequently possess insightful local knowledge that can result in creative, even superior, ideas. Let’s explore how your company can engage with and benefit from its surrounding community.

Keep The Lines Of Communication Open

When you are building relationships with the entire community you must make every effort to have a continuous dialogue between community leaders and their members. This means scheduling meetings throughout the year and frequent round table dialogues. Create regular forums for the community citizens to answer and ask questions.

Communities should be aware of major decisions within a company and they should be made aware well before they happen. When members of a community feel that they can share and ask questions they feel valued and are more willing to support you and walk with you through new changes. It is important to accept feedback often and continuously and think critically about what team members, leaders, and citizens are saying in order to have a successful and well-rounded company.

Create Opportunities For Community Participation

Many times companies are making decisions in boardrooms far removed from their clients and consumers. Inviting people into those meetings who have close ties with the community or stockholders is a good way to create stronger bonds. Hold outdoor community forums or round table meetings at community centers where everyone can access the meeting despite any socioeconomic limitations. 

Their ideas are of great value and will allow you to understand how to more effectively reach your target audience. These meetings do not have to be held frequently but do need to be consistent. Communities should be included in decision-making processes, and decisions made by companies should be communicated to them along with the rationale behind them. Simple, direct language that is understandable to everybody should be used in communication, along with relevant narratives, examples, and localized idioms. 

Invest Strategically

Many times companies have focused more on investing in community outreach such as sports leagues, food banks, or educational organizations. These are good things to invest in but there are better ideas and ways to add value to a community while growing your company and brand. It is extremely important that the community sees that you desire to give back but make sure that it is strategic and a win-win for everyone. Ask for feedback from community leaders and citizens and ask what initiatives or programs will help the area thrive. These may include job training, education, job creation, socioeconomic, and health programs. 

Build Relationships With Community Leaders

Building relationships with community leaders build trust in the community as a whole. Education leaders, political figures, respected environmental organizations, youth leaders, religious organizations, and health providers. Relationships with these types of people only help to promote your vision and build trust that couldn’t be bought. They will also help you to predict and understand community culture and dynamics. 

The approval of formal and informal leaders will give you the platform to spread your message and give you a one-up when you are ready to speak with larger leadership groups. Leadership is where everything starts and you cannot move forward in community relations without certain leaders’ blessings.

Review And Define Your Company Objectives And Goals

Your community relations activity should be built around your company’s mission statement and core beliefs. You can decide which initiatives to prioritize and which causes to support by remembering these things. Plans for community relations should follow the same format as other corporate objectives: they should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely). Setting reasonable objectives and avoiding expecting miracles is essential, as this will blow your budget and sap your staff’s motivation. 

Identify The Project Type 

Volunteering, investing in the community, and running social media campaigns are just a few of the many ways to give back to the community. Try to be as clear and honest as you can, sharing information as soon as possible—preferably in advance—about your decisions and any changes that might be expected. When members of your community feel included in the decision-making process, they will be far more supportive and engaging. Setting deadlines and defining the required staff members are just a few of the ways to tailor your strategy and select the technique that best fits your objectives and most closely aligns with your company goals.

Engage With Your Employees

It’s important to ask your staff about companies they respect for their community service and to get their ideas for future community initiatives, as they are also consumers. Employees should be encouraged to participate in local organizations, whether nonprofits, networking organizations, or something unrelated to work. It’s crucial that your employees feel encouraged to pursue interests outside of work since connections can develop anywhere. Their eagerness to become involved in the community outside of their regular work responsibilities may surprise you.

Boost Your Networking Efforts

You may see exponential development in your network by devoting effort to building relationships in the community. This might draw in new clients for your company and potential investors. Additionally, your efforts may result in better staff retention and relationships with nearby company owners for possible future collaborations. Your credit score will rise, and prospective clients will see your company as dependable, honest, and trustworthy. 

Join Forces With Other Companies 

In the ever-expanding field of community relations, looking to other companies in your industry for insight and inspiration is a good idea. Examining their programs and determining how they have improved their company might yield useful data. Additionally, partnering with another business on a community relations project may boost your brand’s visibility to new audiences and double your resources and knowledge base. And who knows a long-term partnership could result from it.

Let Us Help You Today

Western Packaging is here to help your business with all its packaging needs. We not only carry reliable packaging but we carry the supplies as well. Our team is knowledgeable and only a phone call away so give us a call, we would love to hear from you.  


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