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What Is A Silage Wrap?

Silage wrap is used in the agricultural industry to wrap hay. Silage is the grass that farmers collect and save to feed their animals in the winter months or sell as feed. The silage wrap holds the grass and other green fodder in an airtight position to stay fresh. Western Packaging is a wonderful company that can help you with all of your silage wrap needs.

What Is Silage Wrap Made Out Of?

Linear Low-Density Polyethylene is what silage wrap is made out of—also referred to as LLDPE. Many people are looking for eco-friendly and recyclable products when it comes to their businesses. It is always a great thing to look for ways to produce less waste.

When it comes to plastics and different materials, they all have their own set of guidelines. Various plastics do not want to be mixed in the melting process. The good thing is that the makeup of silage wrap plastic is able to be recycled over and over again.

What Is The Purpose of Silage Wrap?

One of the most important facts to keep in mind when it comes to silage is to have a product that repels heat. Silage that is in a wrap that absorbs heat and moisture will result in molded and ruined silage. The nutrients will be reduced,nutrient-dense silage. That is why the process that you use is so important. A tight seal will also leave you with the results you want. The whole goal is to keep out any and all oxygen.

Who Is Silage Fed To?

For the most part, farmers will harvest their own silage. It is not easy to move around and the risks of losing it are much higher when moved. Many farmers like to keep some on hand incase of emergencies. You never know when a flood, fire, drought, or something else may happen and you need the silage. 

Some of the animals that silage is fed to are:

  • Cattle 
  • Sheep
  • Pigs 
  • Goats
  • Horses

What Is The Difference Between Silage and Hay?

Although it is often mistaken by many people, silage and hay are not the same thing. Silage has been preserved over a period of time and turned into a “mush”. The hay is more tasty and nutrient dense for the animals. Silage is easier to get your hands on in the cold, winter months. 

Hay is made of a variety of herbaceous plants. They are cut and dried to roll into bales to feed to animals and help keep them warm. There is a wide variety of animals that you feed hays to, such as large farm animals, all the way down to guinea pigs and rabbits.

How Do You Make Silage?

Silage is something that you want to preserve when production is at a high. In the summer months, when you are harvesting all of the crops, that is when you want to put some of it in silage wraps. That way you have it set aside for the winter or another time that you need it. 

This is a short explanation of what the process looks like when making silage. 

  • Harvest Your Forage
  • Wilt The Forage By 30%
  • At Ensiling You Want To Add A Fermentable Substrate
  • Just Before Ensiling You Need To Chop Everything Up
  • Compact The Forage As Tight As You Can
  • Seal Tightly

Contact Western Packaging Today

It would be our pleasure to help you with your silage packaging needs. Call today to talk with a representative of Western Packaging. Our business is located in Oregan, and we work in many of the communities. We can give you any information that you are needing and answer those questions you have. Don’t hesitate any longer, call now. 

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