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What Are Woven Poly Bags Used For?

Are you wondering what all you can use woven poly bags for? They are a great product that can be used for a multitude of things. If you are looking for a great company to purchase them from, Western Packaging is the one for you. 

They can give you information and help with all your poly bag needs. Providing excellent customer service is our goal, and we will work hard to give you just that. Our team has a lot of experience and knowledge to help you with your poly bag purchases.

What Are Woven Poly Bags?

Poly bags, short for woven polypropylene bags, offer a great option for bagging large items that need to be packaged. They are flexible and able to move easily without tearing, which is beneficial when they are shipped or on store shelves. Many companies will use these bags for animal feed, dirt and soil, and grass seed. 

They are available in a variety of sizes to meet just about any need that you have. You can even customize them to your brand. If you are unsure if these bags will work for you or which ones to choose, continue reading for more in-depth descriptions of the ones that you can use. 

Paper Laminated Polypropylene Bags

These are a great option for versatility and strength. With having the added feature of the paper, they offer a little bit more force. All poly bags that there are come with these easy to open tabs, but yet are durable and don’t rip easily. 

UV Sandbags With Tie Strings

UV bags are a great option for products that are going to be exposed to the sunlight and the weather elements. These types of bags are particularly used for flood control and in construction areas. If you are needing sandbags for outside purposes, UV sandbags with tie strings are the perfect option for you. 

Standard Woven Polypropylene Bags

These are the most common poly bags that are used by many different companies. You see these bags all the time in stores without even realizing it. They are most commonly used for:

  • Dog Food
  • Cat Food
  • Cat Litter
  • Grass Seed
  • Soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Bird Seed
  • Rice
  • Coffee
  • Flour
  • Fruits 
  • Vegetable
  • And Much More…

Laminated Woven Polypropylene Bags

The extra feature of having laminated woven poly bags gives you more protection. You are going to get the added benefits of dust control and water resistance when using laminated bags. These are also very commonly used poly bags and are a great option for many products. 

What Is The Difference In Woven and NonWoven Poly Bags?

The main difference is just as it sounds, one is woven and one is not. Woven poly bags are literally weaved together creating strength in the bag. When they are nonwoven, they are simply just bound together. Both are good options, the reasoning for choosing between the two is a matter of what you are packaging inside of them. 

If you need the added protection and strength, woven is the way to go for your products. You can easily check poly bags to see if they are woven or not. When you are examining the bags, you can see a weave pattern on them if they are woven. 

Call Western Packaging Today

For great service and excellent quality products, you should contact Western Packaging. They are a great company to work with and many products are in stock and ready to ship. Polybags can be just the product that you are looking for. Call today and speak to one of the members of our team for the additional information that you need. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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