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3 Ways That You Can Repurpose Bobb Bags

Bopp bags can provide long-lasting storage solutions, protecting your product and your bottom line. These bags are strong and versatile, meaning you can store almost anything in them. Here are four ways you can use Bobb bags. 

1. You Can Store Pet Food in Bopp Bags

The best part about Bopp bags is that they will keep the products stored inside protected from moisture. This makes it a great option to store pet food and animal feed in. Your pet food can be quickly ruined if exposed to moisture, costing you money, and multiple trips to the store. 

Bopp bags are also a great option if you are shipping food or animal feed. In the shipping process, it is not at all uncommon for moisture to find its way into your products’ shipping containers. This water can lead to mold and mildew, which as you know, is a major health hazard. 

2. Storing Fertilizer

When the design of these bags is made, they use a pinch method at the bottom. This ensures that the product inside of the bag is free from moisture. The way they are sealed, rather than sewn, makes sure that nothing is able to leak out either.

Another huge benefit of Bopp bags is that they are tear and puncture-resistant. This means your fertilizer and pesticide will be protected when they’re being stored in the Bopp bags. This can help you save you money in the long run. Shipping companies lose thousands of dollars a year on products lost in transit. 

3. Store Construction Materials

It can be difficult to keep construction materials safe at times. This is why Bopp bags come in handy when you need to protect your construction materials. Concrete mix, sand, and plaster mix and other mixes are a great way to use your Bopp bags. 

The bags can keep these materials safe and they don’t add much weight to the product. You can find these bags in a variety of different sizes to fit any need that you may have for them. You will be able to store almost any type of construction material. 

4. Grass Seed

The sturdiness of Bopp bags makes them a great option for your grass seeds. You can feel safe knowing your product is kept fresh and protected. You can open the package and pour out the seed without having to worry about losing any product in the process. 

These bags also come with UV coating, which helps your seed endure long hours of sun exposure. Since most of the time, you will be storing grass seed outside, this is a big plus. You can move these bags around frequently without having to worry about the bag being punctured. 

Why You Should Choose Bopp Bags

These bags are designed in a way that will keep the weather and moisture out of the products stored inside. Bopp bags are made of polypropylene film that is able to hold things that are heavy. Having a shipping product that is designed to not rip or lose their structure when used is a great addition to your business. 

The process of making these bags has several steps. They go through a rigorous testing phase where they are tugged and pulled on to make sure they are as durable as possible. When it comes to shipping material needed in your business, these bags can save you money.

Give Us a Call Now 

Here at Western Packaging, we can help you better store your products. Bopp bags are a great way to keep your products safe while not taking up too much storage space. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you.

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