Protecting your supplies in the most efficient way possible will go a long way in maximizing your bottom line and your company’s efficiency. Hay sleeves can help you save hay and keep your herd happy. Losing hay can cause a massive strain on not only your pockets but your efficiency as well. Our team at Western Packaging recommends using your hay sleeves as a bale cover!
Why Covering Hay Bales Is Important
Exposing large round bales to moisture can lead to huge losses from water infiltration, spoilage, pest, and disease issues. If you live in a high-humidity environment, you run an even bigger risk of bale damage. This damage can harm your bottom line as well as your efficiency.
Water damage isn’t the only way that your bales can be damaged. Living in a dry environment where rain is abundant can be a hotbed for microbial activity which can cause great losses of forage dry matter and the quality of the product. This is why using bale covers is massively important.
How Much Of Your Bale Can You Lose?
Research has shown that unprotected bales can lose around 37% of their product during normal storage longevity. This storage period ranges from six months to 20 years depending on the storage location. By using a hay sleeve, your losses could drop to around 19% while combining wrapping and elevating can drop losses to 8%.
This is another example of why protecting your storage is so important, nobody will want black bales. A 30% loss would mean that a bale that would typically have a value of $90 would instead be worth $63. Combining using hay sleeves and placing your bales in the right location can go a long way in protecting from losses.
Place Bales in the Right Location
Protecting your bales from the elements starts long before they make their way to your field. Hay loss can be reduced depending on how they are positioned outside of your outdoors. The best spot for your bales has good drainage and provides a surface between the bale and the bare ground.
Moisture from the ground accounts for nearly half of hay loss in bales stacked outdoors. Something like a rock base will help minimize bottom spoilage as will wood pallets. Positioning round bales as tightly as possible will also go a long way in preventing excess moisture from building up.
Why Hay Sleeves are a Good Option
Hay sleeves are a great option if you need something to cover your bales. These go a long way in preventing a loss of hay during transport. Old style hay twine causes you to lose hay as it’s moved from one place to another and hay sleeves can prevent this.
They are also a great option for someone who doesn’t have the luxury of storing their hay in a barn. Most hay bale sleeves are plastic and don’t sweat, meaning your hay will be protected from moisture. Hay sleeves will go a long way in protecting you from losing hay, ultimately saving you money.
Western Packaging Offers Hay Sleeves
If you’re interested in protecting your bales from the elements, hay sleeves are a great option. Our team here at Western Packaging offers a wide range that will be perfect for you. Our sleeves are made with materials that are breathable, meaning quick drying in case your hay gets wet.
We also offer custom-sized, plain or printed hay bale sleeves. You can contact us via phone, email, mail or direct message. We look forward to helping you protect your bales!