Winter transport raises a variety of concerns for the integrity of your products. Unpredictable weather and temperature fluctuations threaten freshness and risk waste. Even the Farmer’s Almanac fails to predict if your goods will meet snow, ice, rain or sunshine with frigid or balmy temperatures. Plus, transport across country or ocean sets you up for even greater climate and precipitation changes.
Thanks to woven poly bulk bags, fresh goods find their way to the consumer’s table. Polypropylene bags handle whatever Mr. Freeze throws at them. As the second most widely produced plastic around the globe, polypropylene does not contaminate your goods with chemicals. This fact pleases health-conscious consumers.
In addition, bulk bags made of polypropylene rank high as quality-performance, low-cost options for growers. They even perform above their paper and jute counterparts. And, with improved bag-making processes, crisp, attractive graphics boost their appeal to the consumer. Check out these five reasons woven poly bulk packaging is a must-have for winter transport of your goods.
Do Not Degrade When Wet
Precipitation is a given in the winter months. Ice. Snow. Rain. No matter its form, water poses risks to your products during transport. Wet goods quickly lose freshness and may become unusable in part or whole. They also risk spoilage and mildew, mold or bacteria growth. The result, in any case, is loss of product and income.
Woven poly bulk bags come to the rescue. The properties of polypropylene do not degrade when wet. This means the bags do not give way to the pressure of their contents due to a weakened bag structure. No sagging. No breaking. Plus, your goods remain dry and fresh since water cannot get to them.
Stay Strong During Transport
Moving and storing goods in the winter may lead to some rough handling. After all, cold temperatures tend to make transport workers move faster to get back to the warmth. In the process, more tossing of bags and less care (inadvertently) may be taken with your product. Efficiency may simply override caution.
The strength of polypropylene bags combats the force of transport, on-loading and off-loading. With a greater burst strength than paper or jute, your products remain safely sealed in this packaging. The bags also prove resistant to tearing which decreases loss of product during handling as well.
Offer Air Permeability
To maintain freshness and avoid mildew, products need to breathe. However, they must also resist moisture, pollutants, oils and more to hold their quality. The balance of air permeability with resistance to unwanted elements is an important quality to any packaging used to transport fresh, farm goods. Heated trucks or storage units and moving from cold to warm temperatures raise condensation issues and rely heavily on this packaging feature in the winter.
Woven poly bulk bags can be air permeable. (Check each product’s specifications for this quality.) This feature allows air to move in and out of the bag to prevent condensation and product spoilage. At the same time, polypropylene bags resist pollutants, mildew, bacteria and oil. In other words, this packaging option keeps out intruders while keeping in your product and its freshness.
Resist Pests Encountered Along the Way
Moisture, mildew and bacteria are not the only intruders your products face in the cold seasons. While the winter months blanket many areas with snow and seeming slumber, critters and pests still roam warehouses and find their way onto trucks, trains and other transport vehicles. The warmth of the indoors and promise of bedding materials inside any bulk bags make your goods a target.
Fortunately, choosing polypropylene bags protects your goods when you cannot. Woven poly bulk bags resist pests better than paper or jute options. Again, the strength of the woven layers keeps intruders out of your product.
Prove Less Expensive
Delays arise with winter freight shipments. The weather and its impact on trucks, trains and other vehicles lays outside your control. Ice causes accidents. Snow closes roads. Rain slows speed. Unfortunately, these delays prove costly. Keeping expenses down in other areas offsets the costs of delayed goods.
Packaging supplies is an obvious area to cut costs. However, quality remains a priority. Otherwise, loss of goods due to weak or pest-permeable bags increases. Bulk bags prove less expensive than paper or jute, while maintaining their high-performance qualities. This fact means safe, fresh shipment of goods at a lower cost.
Are Woven Poly Bulk Bags Right for You?
Can you think of any better option for transporting your goods to wholesaler or market than woven poly bulk bags? Finding a stronger, more weather-resistant, low-cost packaging proves near impossible. To improve your bottom line with decreased waste and spillage and increased freshness and pest-resistance, check out which polypropylene bags work best for transporting your products this winter. You and your consumers are sure to be pleased.
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