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29 Feb 2020
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Why Hay Sleeves Are a Better Option as Bale Covers

Protecting your supplies in the most efficient way possible will go a long way in maximizing your bottom line and your company’s efficiency. Hay sleeves can help you save hay and keep your herd happy. Losing hay can cause a massive strain on not only your pockets but your efficiency as well. Our team at Western Packaging recommends using your hay sleeves as a bale cover!

Why Covering Hay Bales Is Important 

Exposing large round bales to moisture can lead to huge losses from water infiltration, spoilage, pest, and disease issues. If you live in a high-humidity environment, you run an even bigger risk of bale damage. This damage can harm your bottom line as well as your efficiency. 

Water damage isn’t the only way that your bales can be damaged. Living in a dry environment where rain is abundant can be a hotbed for microbial activity which can cause great losses of forage dry matter and the quality of the product. This is why using bale covers is massively important.

How Much Of Your Bale Can You Lose?

Research has shown that unprotected bales can lose around 37% of their product during normal storage longevity. This storage period ranges from six months to 20 years depending on the storage location. By using a hay sleeve, your losses could drop to around 19% while combining wrapping and elevating can drop losses to 8%. 

This is another example of why protecting your storage is so important, nobody will want black bales. A 30% loss would mean that a bale that would typically have a value of $90 would instead be worth $63. Combining using hay sleeves and placing your bales in the right location can go a long way in protecting from losses. 

Place Bales in the Right Location

Protecting your bales from the elements starts long before they make their way to your field. Hay loss can be reduced depending on how they are positioned outside of your outdoors. The best spot for your bales has good drainage and provides a surface between the bale and the bare ground. 

Moisture from the ground accounts for nearly half of hay loss in bales stacked outdoors. Something like a rock base will help minimize bottom spoilage as will wood pallets. Positioning round bales as tightly as possible will also go a long way in preventing excess moisture from building up. 

Why Hay Sleeves are a Good Option

Hay sleeves are a great option if you need something to cover your bales. These go a long way in preventing a loss of hay during transport. Old style hay twine causes you to lose hay as it’s moved from one place to another and hay sleeves can prevent this. 

They are also a great option for someone who doesn’t have the luxury of storing their hay in a barn. Most hay bale sleeves are plastic and don’t sweat, meaning your hay will be protected from moisture. Hay sleeves will go a long way in protecting you from losing hay, ultimately saving you money.

Western Packaging Offers Hay Sleeves

If you’re interested in protecting your bales from the elements, hay sleeves are a great option. Our team here at Western Packaging offers a wide range that will be perfect for you. Our sleeves are made with materials that are breathable, meaning quick drying in case your hay gets wet. 

We also offer custom-sized, plain or printed hay bale sleeves. You can contact us via phone, email, mail or direct message. We look forward to helping you protect your bales!

15 Feb 2020
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Stretch Wrapping VS Shrinkwrapping

Stretch and shrink wrapping are a great way to keep your products safe during transport and in the warehouse. These two types of wrapping methods offer similar benefits but have many differences. Understanding those differences will go a long way in knowing what wrapping method will work best for you. Our team here at Western Packaging recommends doing your research on the two prior to making your decision.

Stretch Wrapping

Stretch wrapping uses a plastic film that is wrapped around a load of products. It’s made from polyethylene plastics which makes it easier to stretch around products. The elasticity that stretch wrapping provides allows it to hold the load tightly together. 

What Is Stretch Wrapping Used For?

Stretch wrapping is usually used to hold products together for transportation or storage purposes. This is because its elasticity allows for it to hold many products together. It’s also easy to store and with the right equipment, easy to wrap. 

The Advantages of Stretch Wrapping

1. It Is Protective

Since it packs the items in so tightly, it protects from things that often harm products during shipments and transit. It can protect items from moisture and dust. Stretch wrapping also protects the products from the sun with UV film options. 

2. Cost-Effective

Stretch wrap is typically the most cost-effective type of pallet wrapping. On top of this, stretch wrapping equipment is typically less expensive than other pallet wrapping equipment. If you are looking to be as cost-effective as possible, the stretch wrap may be the way to go.

3. Adaptable

Stretch wrap has a variety of films for different applications. It can also adapt to different types of surfaces. This can be beneficial if you ship different packages that are different sizes and made from different materials. 


Shrinkwrapping is covered loosely around a product or load and it shrinks tightly when the heat is applied. Like stretch wrapping, it is made from polyolefin plastics. This makes shrink wrapping a flexible option. 

What Is It Used For?

Shrinkwrapping is typically used to protect a single product from dust or bad weather. It is also used to combine smaller items together. It is widely used to cover foods such as meats, cheeses, and vegetables. 

The Advantages of Shrinkwrap

1. It Is Protective

Shrinkwrap does a great job of protecting products from outside elements. It is a popular choice when a single product needs protection. With that being said, shrink wrapping is still used to wrap a large number of products. 

2. No Surface Damage

If properly applied, shrink wrapping should pose no risk to your products. Other forms of wrapping can often lead to chafing or damage when a product is in transit. Since shrink wrapping can cover small distances, shrink wrapping hardly ever leads to chafing. 

3. Breathability

Shrinkwrapping provides the option to be ventilated. This is why it’s a popular choice among people who need to ship or store food. This can also help prevent damage that can occur when moisture forms on packages. 

Western Packaging Offers Wrapping and Equipment

Rather you’re looking for stretch wrapping or shrinkwrapping, our team at Western Packaging is here to help. We can also help you figure out which type of wrapping is best for you. On top of that, we sell the equipment needed for both. 

Contact us via phone, mail, email or direct message. We look forward to working with you!

31 Dec 2019
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What is an EBS Handjet Used For?

Labeling boxes and items prior to shipment is a crucial part of the delivery process. The EBS Handjet Printer is one of the better products on the market and helps you easily label products and send them on their way. At Western Packaging, we offer products such as the Handjet EBS-260 to help make your life easier. 

What Does a Portable Printer Do?

What is an EBS? A portable hand-operated printer helps make life for distributors much easier. The benefits also extend beyond distributors, as anyone who regularly labels products would benefit greatly from a portable printer. A handjet printer gun allows you to easily print labels that can be placed directly onto products. 

You can also directly print date codes, lot codes, barcodes, logos, and graphics. New technology allows users to use the portable printer gun itself to design logos and create date codes and labels. You can print on glass, plastic, metal, pipe, boxes, and more. 

The Handjet EBS-260 Portable Ink-Jet Printer

The Handjet EBS-260 is a portable ink-jet printer with innovative, enhanced features and new features that weren’t with previous models. The product allows you to easily print labels, logos, and more on almost any surface. It allows features cutting-edge technology to help you with your labeling needs. 

The Handjet EBS-260 uses MEK ink, one of the strongest and most durable inks available. MEK ink is designed to stick onto difficult surfaces and to last prolonged periods of time. It’s also designed to be weather resistant and last longer in direct sunlight than some of the other competitors. 

Features of the EBS-260 Portable Ink-Jet Printer

The handjet prints two inches tall, double the amount of older models. One of the best new features of the product is the new color touchscreen which can adjust message content on the spot. Here are some of the other features of the EBS-260:

  • 16 dots per inch (dpi)
  • High-volume ink cartridges that provide up to 200,000 characters without a refill
  • Can be wirelessly paired with optical scanners 
  • >50,000 projects up to 10,000 characters each
  • Can print on metal, glass, concrete, paper, wood, textile, plastic, rubber, cardboard, shrink wrap, foam and more
  • Features MEK ink, one of the most durable inks in the industry

What comes with the EBS-260? The product comes with a carrying case, an empty spray bottle for external cleaning solution, a charging cord, a set of large wheels, and a software disc. The product comes with anything that you need 

We Sell Handjet EBS-260 Portable Ink-Jet Printers 

Here at Western Packaging, we offer the EBS-260 at a great price! The EBS-260 is one of the best portable ink-jet printers on the market and can help you with your labeling needs. We offer high-quality products as well as top-of-the-line customer service. 

Visit our contact us page to send us an e-mail and we will reach out to you in no time at all. You can also reach us via phone at 1-855-928-3856. We look forward to working with you and helping you make your work life easier!

20 Dec 2019
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What is a Wulftec Pallet Stretcher Used For?

Stretch wrapping has become standard practice during the shipping and distribution process. Western Packaging offers Wulftec products which makes stretch wrapping easy and efficient saving you time! Wulftec products allow you to stretch wrap large pallets in short periods of time. 

What Is Stretch Wrapping?

Stretch wrapping is wrapping large pallets of items that need to be transported to protect them from damage. In the past, figuring out the most efficient and least time-consuming way to stretch wrap items was an art. With new technology, stretch wrapping is easy and quick. 

New products such as the Wulftec WRTA-150 can stretch wrap a variety of products. You have the power to control the speed of the wrapping as well. Stretch wrapping helps protect your items from damage when they’re being shipped. 

Why is Stretch Wrapping Important?

One of the biggest reasons why we stretch wrap products is to protect them while they’re in transit. There are several different reasons why stretch wrap products other than protection. Here are some of the other reasons:

  • Environmental Damage – Stretch wrapping protects items from environmental damage. Water and sunlight damage is common during shipping journeys and stretch wrap can act as a physical barrier
  • Damage in Transit – Sometimes, items can be damaged while in transit from one location to another. When trucks bounce over roads, items can bounce around, fall and get misplaced. Stretch wrapping keeps these items together. 
  • Theft-deterrent – Stretch wrapping can also help drive potential thieves away. It’s more difficult to steal an item if the products are wrapped rather than just sitting out in the open. It’s also easier to see if a product is missing if the stretch wrap has been removed or damaged. 

If you regularly ship pallets of items, it’s important to stretch wrap the products. There are numerous benefits when it comes to stretch wrapping. 

Wulftec Products Can Help You Stretch Wrap Items

Wulftec products are some of the top-of-the-line products in the wrapping machine industry. Wulftec products help stretch wrap your items and they also offer conveyor systems. The Wulftec WRTA-150 is one of the best wrapping machines on the market. Here are some of its features:

  • Floor-mounted rotary arm
  • AC variable frequency drives and motors for safe, efficient and minimal maintenance
  • 12 RPM variable speed
  • Up to 50 loads per hour
  • Unlimited load weight capacity
  • 20” NO-THREAD powered pre-stretch carriage for quick, easy and safe film loading

Wulftec products are designed to make your life easier! If you’re looking for a wrapping machine that will save you time, the WRTA-150 is the way to go. 

Get In Contact With Us If You Need Wrapping Machines

If you are looking for a wrapping machine, call our team here at Western Packaging. We offer Wulftec items such as a Wulftec Pallet Stretcher to help make your life easier. We offer high-quality products as well as top-of-the-line customer service. 

Visit our contact us page to send us an e-mail and we will reach out to you in no time at all. You can also reach us via phone at 1-855-928-3856. We look forward to working with you and helping you make your work life easier!

23 Nov 2019
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The Benefits Of Polypropylene Bags For Your Agriculture Business

Polypropylene bags have been on the market now for some time but what really makes them one of the better choices for your agricultural business? Western Packaging supplies a variety of bags for every purpose but we think there are things that make polypropylene bags special. As science and technology improve so does the way we do business and the supplies we use.

Polypropylene Bags Basics 

With new information and research, scientists have created a product that is not only greener and cleaner than traditional PVC products but more cost-effective as well. Polypropylene is also known as poly weave due to its construction. 

With this unique technology, you can store food for longer periods of time with less spoilage. Here are some more benefits to switching over to poly weave.

Budget-Friendly While Still Retaining Value

Compared to all other plastics, poly weave performs better in all areas. It will store your goods longer with less spoilage. Polypropylene bags also carry more weight than any other plastic bag which reduces breakage and waste. 

All of these things add up to you saving money and adding value to your business and your customer’s life. When a customer receives your goods fresh and in good condition this sends the message that you’re a quality company to do business with. 

Versatile and Biodegradable

Being green is a huge factor today when choosing businesses to do business with and everyone should do their part to reduce waste. Poly weave bags are proven to leave behind less waste than their other plastic counterparts. When a polypropylene bag is finally discarded it will break down quicker and leave fewer toxins in our food and water.

With that being said, who wouldn’t want to leave their name all over a bag of that quality when being shipped or stored. Not only are they biodegradable but you can print serial numbers, product names, and your brand right on these bags for all to see. This is important in an age where branding is a bigger deal than in prior years. 

Polypropylene Bags are Durable and Pest Resistant

Time and time again Polypropylene bags have proven themselves to stand up to extreme temperatures. It has a melting point of 130 to 170 degrees celsius which makes it good for items that need to be in trucks or warehouses for long periods of time in the summer. Laminating and printing the bag will not affect the strength or durability of the bag as well.

The poly weave bag’s construction is made to stand strong against vermin and pest that like to infest food and grains. This, in turn, reduces food waste and saves your profits, which makes this bag perfect for transporting and storing food items.

Moisture Control

Polypropylene bags keep out moisture than other packaging materials like polyethylene or cellophane. Moisture control means you are less likely to have mold build up in your food and less rot. Odors are less likely to permeate other packages next to them as well, which depending on what you have in your packaging could be disastrous.  

Resistant To Chemical and Electrical Stress

Because of poly weave’s high heat tolerance, it can also resist many chemical and electrical stressors. It stands up to physical manipulation, twisting, and other physical stress. While being a flexible packaging polypropylene bags can still remain strong and tough, making them the ideal choice for agricultural goods. 

Let Us Package Your Goods 

Western Packaging specializes in agricultural packaging and so much more. We are knowledgeable and ready to supply or help you make the best decisions for the specific goods you need packaging and shipping. Give us a call today! 

13 Nov 2019
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Tips For Staying Safe In The Winter While Farming

Dress In Layers and Invest In Quality Working Gear for Winter Farming

Winter in this country ranges from harsh and frigid to rainy and mild so keep all these things in mind and plan accordingly. At the end of the day, the best piece of advice for winter farming is always going to be to dress in layers and always have two pairs of gloves, and an extra hat. You can always take clothes off but you may not be in a position to go home and put more on. 

Another thing is the gear that you use, things like rain and mud boots, your gloves, jackets and coats, coveralls, and the gambit. It is imperative that you are using quality equipment, that it is waterproof, and insulated. The cost is worth the investment and so are keeping all your fingers and toes. 

Continue To Check The Weather

You can have an idea of what the weather will be a few days before or even the night before but make sure that you check it upon rising in the morning. The weatherman is just that, a man and there’s plenty of room for error. 

Pay close attention to the conditions as well not just the temperature. If there is fog or cloud cover that is going to affect the way you dress and feel exponentially. 

Start Early and Pace Your Work while Farming in the Winter

In the winter months, you are going to want to start earlier with the sun setting sooner. Keep in mind that certain jobs that were less tedious in the spring, summer, and fall are going to be a little harder. Be realistic as to how much time you can really devote to a certain task. 

Eat Well and Remember To Hydrate 

Harsh winter conditions mean you will be burning extra calories and your body is going to require more. Fuel your body with fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of protein to keep you going.

Stay hydrated, so that your muscles and the rest of your body stay energized and mobile. Carry an insulated thermos with coffee, tea, or hot cocoa when you need something to give you a bit of warmth. 

Be Prepared To Continue The Days Work Another Time

There is no shame in taking a break, know your limits and know how much is enough. Weather conditions can change by the hour it is always best to be safe and not sorry.

Tomorrow will always come with more work so make sure that you don’t injure yourself. Take care of your body, there is only one you and only you can do what you do.

Let Someone Know Where You Will Be Working  

I think this is a big one but it is also one that people don’t take seriously and can overlook easily. Tell a neighbor, spouse, child, co-worker, someone where you will be working for the day. If something were to happen and you are in the snow or frigid temperatures and you passed out, got sick, or were stranded you need to know someone can help.

There are many times people leave their homes, their jobs, many different places and because they didn’t let someone know, they were unable to be helped. Make a wise decision and always let someone know where you will be and when.

Call Us For Your Agricultural Supplies

Western Packaging cares about our customers and believes in the agricultural business and its future. We offer packaging supplies and a lot more so that you can run your business effectively and efficiently. Give us a call today for all your packaging needs.

31 Jul 2019
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Tips For Participating In Agricultural Waste Reduction

As landfills rise and reach capacity waste reduction is something Western Packaging and other agricultural companies need to talk about. It is important that we find solutions and not become a part of a growing problem. 

Even if you implement one new idea you are making progress. Hopefully, these tips for agricultural waste reduction will help your business become better stewards of their waste. 

Preventing Waste

The first step in waste reduction is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Sometimes we don’t even realize how wasteful we are being until we really just pay attention. Co-operative buying is a great way to prevent waste and is usually an option in agricultural areas. 

Buy items made of refurbished parts or recycled products when possible. All it takes is a few questions to your vendor to see what they have available. Recycled content corrugated cardboard stands up against moisture and is another practical way to prevent waste.


Recycling is, of course, a great way to reduce waste in any industry or home but sometimes we don’t realize how many things are recyclable. Paper and glass are the obvious materials but did you know that you can also recycle wood, metal, oil filters, automotive oil, and fiber barrels? It takes a little extra work but with good planning, you will have a system that is not only time-efficient but will make you feel good about your business.

The same way you have a system for paper, plastics, and glass is the same way you will handle these other items. If need be, delegate the task to an employee that is good with organization and can handle pick up times and the storage of the items before recycling them. Your local farmer will usually take all vegetative matter to use in their compost, helping the farmer and building solid relationships with other local business owners. 

Reach Out To Your Community 

Other effective ways to reduce waste is to involve your employees and the community. If you share your efforts with your neighbors it makes them feel valued and they will more than likely remember you if they need a product or service you offer. Suggestions and ideas not only come from these avenues but relationships are strengthened as well. 

Your staff will probably be the first ones to speak up and share ideas about how to better dispose of any and all waste products. Always, always keep your employees up to speed on what is going on with your conservation efforts. Holding monthly or quarterly seminars or meetings about waste reduction is something you should implement as soon as you can get the ideas on paper.

Compost Materials 

Your waste hauler can give you a lot of valuable information about composting and what materials can be collected to compost. If you are able to take advantage of on-site composting it is not only your most cost-effective way but it also saves time. You can compost all organic waste and use it in your landscaping.

If you take care of animals you can use their waste for your personal fertilizer and share with others as well. And if your animal waste production is pretty substantial you can sell it for profit to other farmers and local residents. You will earn extra income and cut your disposal cost all at the same time.

Contact Us For Packaging Supplies 

Western Packaging has hundreds of options for your packing and storing needs. We can provide answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. Our team would love to hear from you today.

17 Jul 2019
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Common Uses For Bulk Bags

Western Packaging is a supplier of bulk bags that allow multiple industries to ship goods more efficiently. Bulk bags are often used to transport a variety of loose goods locally and internationally. Bulk packing bags are strong and versatile and commonly used for sand, grain, and other materials.

This type of bag is known not only for its versatility but also for its strength and durability. If you have been contemplating different storage options for your goods bulk bags are a great possible option. 

Common Uses In The Food Industry 

The food industry regularly uses bulk bags, and for good reason. There are somewhere around 1 billion pounds of wheat processed and shipped inside and outside the United States. When shipping a common staple such as wheat in such large quantities, you need to make sure that your method of shipment is a reliable packaging source.

Not only are bulk bags reliable, but they are flexible, durable, and can carry a large amount of wheat, corn, rice, or other loose food products. Other food items commonly shipped in bulk bags are sugar, potatoes, seeds, nuts, and flour. Our bulk bags are compliant with all food and safety standards, so you can rest assured your goods are safe in bulk bag packaging.

How The Chemical Industry Benefits From Bulk Bags 

Bulk bags come in a range of fabrics to suit the goods that they’re carrying. The chemical and food industries obviously differ drastically which is why they would need to have specific standards for any packaging used for medicine or hazardous material. Bulk bags come in types A-D, with types C and D being the best for chemical use. 

Made up of non-conductive polypropylene fabric, type C has a grounding point. Type D bags are made of antistatic and static dissipative fabric, preventing sparks and discharges. These bags are also sold with certain public safety standards in mind and should meet all regulatory requirements.

Construction and Bulk Bags 

Depending on the bulk bags that you use, they can actually hold 2,000 to 3,000 pounds per bag. These bags make them the perfect option for construction materials being transported from one part of the country to another. Cement, gravel, pebbles, minerals, clay, slag, resin, and more are all materials able to be transported in bulk bags. 

Any industry dealing with extra heavy loads or oddly shaped items can benefit from using a bulk bag in their business. Bulk bags are one of the few packaging sources out there that can stand the weight, abrasives, wear and tear of materials like this.

Bulk Bag Liners

Bulk bag liners are not always necessary but do add another layer of protection when shipping your goods. These bulk bag liners can help to keep unwanted moisture out, preserving your food and keeping the product dry. When shipping pharmaceutical products, these liners act as a barrier to UV rays and moisture, helping to preserve the integrity of the medicine.

Liners can also be used over the top of the bulk bag adding extra protection to the contents. If you are shipping fine powders, then liners are a great choice to keep it from seeping through the stitching.

Give Us A Call

If you have questions about industrial bags or industrial bulk bags and shipping your goods, Western Packaging can help answer them. We offer a wide selection of packaging items for all your shipments and storage needs. Call our team today to find out more about what we offer and how we can help find solutions for you.

30 Jun 2019
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Why We Need To Teach Our Kids About Agriculture

I will never forget when one of the neighborhood kids came around to my backyard patio while I was tending to my container garden. He was a sweet kid but what came out of his mouth next made me question so much of what young people are learning these days. As I picked my tomatoes to bring them in for our lunch he exclaimed, “EWWW!”

I asked why he was so disgusted by my vine-ripened tomatoes and his answer was, “that’s gross you’re supposed to get your tomatoes from the store.” This my friends is one of the reasons why Western Packaging thinks it is extremely important that we teach our kids about agriculture.

Exposure To The Unknown

Most American kids are not exposed to the world of farming, many come from urban or suburban areas of the country and it is not necessarily any fault of their own. Unless we share our knowledge they will continue to think that tomatoes are grown at the grocery store.

Although grocery stores are great ways for farmers to share their product with the world we are doing the next generation a disservice if this is what we pass down. From about toddler age children can begin to learn about where their food comes from. Whether it is planting a bean, reading books, or taking a field trip to the farm, children can learn to not only appreciate their food but the hands that labored to bring it to their tables.

Children Genuinely Want To Know

Children are so inquisitive and they love to learn new facts and they love to share those facts with others. Children also like taking charge, so when they get the opportunity to take charge you have them hooked.

You can offer kids these opportunities by teaching them where their food comes from and gifting them the power to grow their own on a smaller scale. Giving them the knowledge and the tools to contribute to their families at a young age no matter how small the contribution is huge to them.

In today’s world of technology and information, kids have a lot at their fingertips and I believe they truly do want to make a difference in the world. Working with communities, especially those unfamiliar with farming towns are worth investing in and creating initiatives. These would not only create more informed citizens but possible future farmers.

Future Farmers and Influencers

If your only view of farming is Old McDonald than you are probably not going to choose that as a career. That is why with exposure and education our kids can make informed decisions about what they want to do with their lives. Farming is more than a man with a duck, a cow, and a nice pair of overalls and the kids need to know that.

Farming is not only a great career but it is rewarding and one that is on the decline. We need our young people to use new and advanced techniques combined with the ones of old to continue these traditions.

A degree in agriculture not only allows you to work in farming but in food production, plant genetics, animal nutrition, and so much more. Caring about farming also means caring enough about the next generation no matter how far removed they are from your community to pass down the information.

Call Us For More Information

Western Packaging is passionate about the agricultural business and that is why we offer all the materials you need to keep your business up and running. Give us a call today!

01 May 2019
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Signs You Need To Replace Your Packaging Equipment

Packaging equipment lasts for a long time and it is easy to put it in the back of our minds and completely forget about maintenance, upkeep, or the possibility of it needing replacement. Western Packaging is here to help you decide when it is the right time to hang it up and replace your packaging equipment.

Maintenance Is Key

No matter how amazing your machine is, no matter how high-tech, no matter how much you paid for the machine of all machines it needs regular maintenance. If you want a long-lasting and reliable piece of equipment to go the extra mile than making sure you stay up to date on regular maintenance is key.

You will cut down on unexpected repairs and your equipment will work for you the way you need it to. This is a great way to improve your packaging process. In the end, this is your first line of defense, but if you have done this and you still experience problems it is probably time to move on.

Frequent Mechanical Issues

Like with most mechanical equipment or appliances that are aging or nearing the end of their lifespan, they start to break down. It is one thing if you have an issue and are able to troubleshoot your way through it but if it is happening more often than not it is probably time to replace your machine.

Make sure that you are getting your equipment maintenanced regularly so that you get the most out of your machine. Take note of any complaints your clients have. At times they are noticing your machines mistakes before you are.

Obsolete Parts and Mechanisms

A great example of the concept of this is our smartphones. Some of us like to keep our phones until they have seen their last days, I mean why fix something when it still works right? Well, the creators of our devices know this and as technology advances, it eventually forces you to buy an updated device.

The same is true for your packaging equipment, whether it is the parts that become obsolete or built-in software. Once you can longer find the parts to repair an otherwise smooth running machine you will have to replace it. Stay ahead of the game and make sure you are aware of the availability of the parts for your machine.

Slower Rate of Production

As your machine ages, production speeds tend to slow down. It is a good idea to keep a detailed record of your production times. You will start to notice backups and bottlenecking and this can result in damaged goods or no production at all.

In the end, this all affects your profits and it is very important something like this is fixed or the machine is replaced as soon as possible. If it is not, losses will be significant and seriously affect your production.

This Changes With Business Production

As your business grows so the demands on a machine or equipment. This does one of two things, it can overwork your current machine or force you to buy a new one that can keep up. If your business is growing you should consider new equipment to keep up with the demands.

Many times new equipment is not only faster but it also has more options and better functionality than some of the older machines. If you are downsizing in any way you can also consider a new machine to save space and energy.

We Can Help You

Western Packaging has a full line of packaging equipment and supplies. If you would like more information about Wulftec wrapping machines or equipment our team can help to answer your questions. Contact us today! We are ready to help you with all of your packaging needs.

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