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28 Oct 2022
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Is Polypropylene Waterproof?

Have you ever damaged your expensive equipment while in storage or in transit? What you need is high-quality packaging, like our polypropylene plastic, to protect your product! Luckily, Western Packaging has you covered. We specialize in durable packaging products to keep your supplies secure! 

What Is Polypropylene? 

Polypropylene fabric is a thermoplastic made from a combination of propylene monomers. In other words, it’s a type of plastic with a solid chemical structure that makes it highly durable. Polypropylene is found in the packaging industry, electrical and equipment manufacturing industries, and the automotive industry. The uses of this firm and durable plastic are endless!

What Is Polypropylene Used For? 

The primary use for polypropylene plastic fabric is for packaging, consuming about 30% of the total production. Western Packaging specializes in using polypropylene in its products to deliver high-quality and long-lasting effects. They provide bulk bags, woven poly bags, BOPP (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene) bags, and even strapping, all made with polypropylene plastic. Using such a strong material in these products ensures that your supplies will avoid chemical corrosion and water damage. It even provides a light, flexible, and durable material to protect your supplies. 

Is Polypropylene Plastic Waterproof? 

In short, yes! Polypropylene plastic is waterproof due to its tightly woven particles that allow nothing to pass through them! Any exposure to water will end in the water sliding off the top of the surface of this material. The plastic is thermoplastic, it molds and changes when heat is directly applied. This allows the plastic to be developed into other shapes, therefore creating other waterproof products. 

Benefits Of Using Polypropylene Products

Polypropylene plastic is a relatively inexpensive, highly flexible, and extremely durable material. It protects your product from chemical corrosion and water damage since polypropylene plastic is waterproof and tightly woven. Products made of polypropylene fabric, you can rest assured that your product is high-quality and durable! No need to worry about the lifespan of your product, as polypropylene plastic is one of the best plastics out there!

Contact Us Today To Get Your Supply!

Contact Western Packaging today! Let us help you start your order and ensure you have all the suitable materials. We always take the extra step to ensure the complete protection of your product! Your business is our priority and we understand the struggles you go through. We are here to provide you with only the best solutions! Call us today to get your polypropylene waterproof products!

05 Oct 2022
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What is PP Woven Sacks?

Many business owners in the agricultural and industrial industries experience loss of product due to water damage, chemical corrosion, or simply from not being properly stored. Aren’t you tired of wasting money on a product that never sees the light of day due to damage? It’s time to invest in a high-quality, long-lasting product! Western Packaging of Irving, TX, has everything you need to keep your product safe and usable! Our products are made with the most robust and durable plastic known to man and guarantee the safety of your supplies. 

What Is Polypropylene? 

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic created from the combination of propylene monomers. It has a robust chemical structure woven so tight that nothing can break through. It helps to protect your product from not only water damage but also any exposure to chemical corrosion! This woven plastic fits tight to be highly durable and flexible and can be molded into other shapes and structures to store all product types.

What Is A PP Woven Sack? 

A PP (Polypropylene) woven sack is a sack made up entirely of polypropylene plastic. This strong and durable plastic is woven in a circular motion to create a sewn sack that shuts at the bottom. This thermoplastic is long-lasting. 

What Are The Main Uses Of A PP Woven Sack? 

A PP woven sack is a packaging material for agricultural and industrial industries. Usage includes packaging food, flood control, irrigation, and construction projects. This is due to their long-lasting durability and waterproof features, which can be shaped and molded into many shapes and sizes to make them relatively easy. 

What Are The Benefits Of A PP Woven Sack? 

A woven sack made of Polypropylene can be reused several times and lasts over 4-5 years! They can also be printed to display your work logo or product image. This product is non-toxic and non-staining, so use it as often as you want, and they will still appear new! They are also highly flexible, lightweight, and quickly produced! The key benefit of a PP woven sack is that they are waterproof and resistant to most chemical corrosions, not to mention it would be easy to clean and sustain high temperatures. You can rest assured that your product is secure when concealed in a PP woven sack! 

Contact Us Today For All Your Polypropylene Products! 

If you need a PP woven sack or any other polypropylene packaging product, contact Western Packaging of Irving, TX, today! We can help you get your order started and ensure you get all the required packing materials! We understand our industry providers’ struggle and are committed to providing you with the best solutions! Contact us today!

25 Sep 2022
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How Are Shipping Sacks Used?

Are you looking for the best option for transportation for you to use for your business? It is not only a hard decision to make, but an extremely important one. In this article, we talk about how shipping sacks are used and why they are a good option for you. You can purchase these sacks from Western Packaging and receive more information about the bags themselves. 

What Are Shipping Sacks?

These sacks are exactly what they sound like; they are large sacks used to get different items to their designated destinations. They are made to be strong, durable, and able to withstand the movement and handling they will experience. This is helpful for those that need the added assurance their items will arrive in good condition and not be damaged. 

You can place heavy or light loads in these bags and still have confidence the items are protected. This can even be a more financially smart investment for you to make if you perform a lot of shipping in your industry. Not only is it fewer products you need, but it will help prevent you from having returns and damaged goods. 

Are Shipping Costs Less?

The costs of shipping can give you a gut check from time to time. Although you know you have to do it, it doesn’t make the realization of the cost any less shocking sometimes. The typical corrugated boxes are what a lot of businesses use, and the costs to ship can add up fast.

One way to help your business in this financial situation is to use shipping sacks. It is far less expensive to send a sack than it is a box. It cuts down on extra weight, and you can most likely ship more items at a time with a sack than with a box. 

What Items Can Be Put In Shipping Sacks?

Many different industries can use shipping sacks for their business. There isn’t a one-field-only rule on these sacks. One of the many different industries that use shipping sacks, or should be using them, is the agricultural industry. They use them to store or ship:

  • Dog and Cat Food
  • Horse, Goat, and Pig Feed
  • Bird Seed and Cat Litter

There are many other industries that can use these bags, too, such as the construction industry can use them for cement or those who do landscaping. The grass seed and mulch are perfect fits for shipping sacks. You can purchase the bags to fit the needs you have and also choose the coatings on them, such as laminated, standard, or paper laminated.

Call Western Packaging Today

Western Packaging is here to help you with all of the agricultural and industrial supplies you need. If you are unsure of what the best fit is for you and your company, call us, and we will advise you. You can also visit us online to get more information about the products we carry. Our team looks forward to hearing from you and helping you make wise decisions for your company.

05 Sep 2022
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What is ecological farming?

In a world full of GMO’s, health of the environment and the food is of top priority. Ecological farming offers a way to combine science and innovate technologies to keep the soil health in tip top shape. With sustainability in mind, the future of this branch of farming opens many doors for healthier and more organic foods. 

What is Ecological Farming, Anyway?

Ecological farming is the process of stabilizing the environment, protecting the bees and the wildlife habitats! This uses biopesticides (which are more natural than traditional chemical based pesticides). Ecological Farming changes the soil BEFORE the crop is planted in order to provide the most nutrients possible. 

Using the environment around the field to learn what will best improve the soil composition. This process removes the negative impact that chemicals have on the ecosystem. By degrading and destroying habitats, soil structures and impacting our health.  Ecological farming is not organic farming but biological engineering for the best and most natural ingredients.

Natural Over Modified

Over the last 30 years, we have been using Genetically Modified Organisms to change how our crops are developed. However, the sources and products used are not always best for mammals. They contain chemicals that can trigger diseases that are resistant to antibiotics.  Not only do we aim to preserve the soil, we aim to keep the wild habitats in their place.

Saving the Bees and the Trees

Between 1977 and 2018, the monarch butterfly population decreased by 1.87% yearly. The bees, our primary pollinators in the US, are struggling. With a colony loss of 28.1% per year for the last 3 years, where the previous average was 15%. This was primarily caused by habitat loss, as well as warmer falls. Taking away their home through deforestation forces them to move to another area. Not all the animals will be getting the proper nutrients, causing the decrease in the population. Whether it be the animals on the land or the types of trees that are near, this all affects the way the crops are grown! At Western Packaging, we are sure to use the reliable and healthiest ingredients and sourcing for our products!

Order With Western Packaging for Safely Sourced Products!

We ship all over the country, so you never have to worry about your location versus what locations we serve! Our goal, as a company, is to provide you with the most reliable and safe products we can. The safety of your family and friends and the quality of our products is of utmost importance to us.  We are here to help meet all your agricultural needs! Contact us today!

30 Aug 2022
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Top Tips For Storing Hay Through The Winter Months

With the winter season soon approaching it is time to start thinking about the best ways to store all the hay that you have either worked extremely hard harvesting over the summer or purchased in preparation for the winter. Western Packaging can help with the use of hay sleeves but here are some tips that aid in storing your hay through the winter. 

1. Store Hay Indoors

Storing your hay in an indoor structure is the best option. The structure does not need to be 4 walls and a roof, it can be a structure that is just a roof. Storing indoors is optimal because the color will be preserved as well as the quality. You are also able to reduce the loss of dry matter. 

2. Maintain Bale Density

Being sure that the outer layer of your hay bales is properly tightened is one of the main ways to ensure proper storage. If the bales are too loose then this allows for moisture and other elements to penetrate causing a loss of product. 

3. Storage Site Selection

Selecting the proper site to keep your bales is very important. You want to choose a location that has good airflow, and that is not shaded by trees especially if you are storing your hay outdoors. You want to make sure that the drying conditions are at their best to minimize the loss of any hay. 

4. Elevate Your Hay Bales

Elevating your bales of hay will prevent anywhere from 5-20% of any loss of your dry matter. You can elevate using these methods: 

  • Pallets (new or old)
  • Used Tires
  • Fence Posts
  • Racks
  • 4 – to 6- inch layer of rocks

Using any of these methods will work to preserve your hay during the winter months. Keeping it off the direct ground helps to allow for air circulation and faster drying. 

5. Proper Stacking Of Round And Square Bales

When it comes to stacking your hay there are specific ways to do so to ensure proper storage. For round bales, it is best to stack these end-to-end keeping about 3-4 feet of space between each row. For square bales, it is best to stack these in a square stack pattern alternating so they do not fall over. 

6. Cover, Cover, Cover

The use of tarps, plastic wraps, sleeves, or canvases will help prevent your bales, especially your round bales, from getting weathered. If your hay is left to be weathered it lessens the ability of your livestock to be able to digest it. 

Noticing a pattern? The key to storing your hay through the winter is to keep it dry. Keeping it dry is the best way to ensure that your time, work, money, and product are not lost. 

We Want to Help

If you are in need of winter storage for your hay bales our team at Western Packaging is eagerly waiting to help you. Contact us today, we are looking forward to hearing from you.

18 Jul 2022
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Proper Ways To Store Hay

Hay is a very important agricultural product and a very valuable commodity for farmers and ranchers. Storing hay properly helps ensure that it is safe and protected from the elements. Elements like rain, sunlight, and mold can be devastating to the quality of your hay. Storage for hay is critical in ensuring your hay stays protected. Elements to consider when storing hay are the type of hay bale container, hay packaging, and other hay storage solutions.

Additionally, properly stored hay maintains the nutritional value needed by cattle, horses, and other livestock. When harvesting and storing hay, there are several things you can do to make the hay last and to more efficiently store your harvest. 

Things To Consider When Storing Hay

Hay is a term used to describe grass or legume that has been harvested, dried, and stored to help feed cattle, horses, and other livestock. The amount of livestock you need to feed and the amount of storage space you have to keep the hay up out of the elements will primarily determine the amount of hay needed. When storing hay bales, there are some things to consider.

  • Bale Type- There are three primary ways to bale hay. Large round bales, Large square bales, and small square bales. There are benefits to each type of bale. The amount of cattle or livestock you have to feed is the primary factor. Large round bales can begin to spoil within 2-3 days of being exposed to the elements. So, if you only have a small hobby farm and not enough livestock to consume the large round bales within a few days, you will be dealing with a lot of waste. 
  • Storage Situation- Hay can be stored inside or outside. It is best to keep hay from the elements and store it in a covered building that is cool and dry. When storing hay outside, it is best to cover the hay once it is fully cured with tarps. This helps protect the hay from moisture as well as sun bleaching. Sun bleaching can deplete the nutritional value of the hay. 
  • Stacking-Stacking your hay properly can prevent injury and waste. It’s a good idea to stack your hay on pallets to prevent rot and waste. When storing square bales, alternate the direction of the bales. Round bales can be stacked in a variety of ways. It is important to remember that round bales can weigh as much as 1800 pounds. Not properly stacking round bales could result in serious injury. 

Are There Any Products That Can Improve Hay Storage?

There are some products on the market that can improve and lengthen the lifespan of your hay harvest.  Hay Sleeves from Western Packaging are a great way to save on the overall cost of your hay harvest and storage. The sleeves are manufactured from agricultural products and offer breathable protection for your bales.

Because the hay sleeves are breathable, they do not sweat and allow your hay to dry out faster. They are offered in customized options, plain or printed. These hay sleeves will offer maximum protection from the elements and help to prevent waste of your hay harvest, saving you money. It’s an economical and simple solution to your hay storage needs. 

Are You Considering Hay Sleeves for Storage? 

If you are looking for a reasonable solution for storing your hay, let Western Packaging assist you today with a variety of customizable hay sleeve options. Our hay sleeves are a durable and sensible solution for keeping your hay out of the elements and ready for your livestock. It is our goal to provide our customers with an excellent product. We are committed to offering the best solutions for your hay storage needs. Call us today to discuss your needs! Our industry-leading experts are waiting to assist you.

03 Jul 2022
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Facts About FIBC Bags

FIBC bags, sometimes called Bulk Bags, are typically used for storing and packaging grain, dirt, dry goods, and fertilizer. There are many advantages to using FIBC bags. In a variety of shapes and sizes are the bags offered. These bags offer an affordable and sensible solution to storing your product. 

Advantages Of FIBC Bags

When deciding on Bulk Bags, there are many things to consider. Some of the most commonly discussed advantages of FICB Bags are listed below. 

  • Environmentally Friendly-these bags are not only reusable. They can recycle the bags. They are sometimes produced with recycled agricultural products. 
  • Variety of Shapes and Sizes-the bags are available in many shapes and sizes. They can be found in the circular, four-panel, baffle, and u-panel shapes. The thickness and durability also vary depending on the weight of the product the bag will be holding. 
  • Added Safety Features-there is options available to ensure maximum safety. Adding lift loops to the corners of the bags helps to ensure the safety and accessibility of the bags. Lift loops allow forks to be placed in the corners, ensuring security when moving. 
  • Space Saving-FIBC Bags take up minimum storage space due to their customizable size options. You are not paying for more bags than you need. In turn, this saves you valuable money and space. 

Additional Features Of FIBC Bags

There are some customizable options available on an FIBC Bag. Below are some of the choices we find most helpful and cost-effective. 

  • Moisture Prevention- By adding a polypropylene liner to the Bulk bags helps reduce the pack’s moisture. Liners can be tabbed into the eight corners or sewn into the seams. This process also aids in the liner coming out of the bag when emptying. 
  • Fill Spouts-Fill spouts are available with either the duffle top or spout top bulk bags. Customization for a specific machine is also an option. Discharge spouts are a standard option with Bulk bags. The bags can be constructed in a variety of ways. Some options available include conical bottoms, diaper bottoms, plain bottoms, or fully open bottoms. 
  • Customizable-Bulk bags are available in custom colors. Printing options are also offered. 
  • HazMat Bags-Certified bulk HazMat Bags are available. 

What You Should Know About The Safety Of FIBC Bags

Some exciting safety features come with FIBC Bags. Working in and around a safe environment is essential to workers and customers. Some of the outstanding safety features offered with FIBC Bags are found below. 

  • Each Bulk bag is given a Safe Working Load (SWL). The Safe Working Load determines what weight the bag can safely hold. 
  • It is not recommended that bulk bags hold any liquids. 
  • HazMat bags are available when storing hazardous materials and marked or labeled in an option approved as an UN-certified HazMat Bag.
  • The bags are strong and durable and offer the top security ratios. 

Reach Out To Learn More About FIBC Bags

If you are a company or an individual looking for top quality, reliability, and safety in a Bulk Bag, reach out to our team at Western Packaging. We strive to provide an excellent product that will not let you down. With customizable options, we are sure to help you find the perfect fit for your grain, dirt, or fertilizer storage and packaging needs. 

27 Jun 2022
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Best Way To Store Your Dry Goods

Storing your products can be an incredibly difficult task. Storing your dry goods is a different beast entirely. If you’re trying to offer your customers the freshest product possible, you need dry good storing options that best fit your specific needs. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when storing dry goods. 

Keep the Right Temperature

When it comes to storing your dry goods, the temperature at which you store these goods is incredibly important. In fact, it might just be the most important factor when it comes to the safety of your dry goods. You should be storing your dry goods between fifty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit. 

Even something as small as an 18-degree increase or decrease can reduce the shelf life of your products in half. That is a massive reduction in shelf life and can cause you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in damages. Storing your goods in cooler temperatures will help reduce respiratory activity. 

Keep in a Well-Ventilated Area

It’s important to keep the storeroom cool is incredibly important but so is keeping your dry goods in a well-ventilated area. Also, ensure that the room has little humidity, no higher than 15 percent. Installing a dehumidifier or an air conditioning unit during the humid times of the year can help keep your storage room ventilated. 

Storing your dry goods 18 inches away from the walls and at least six inches off the floor is also important. Sunlight exposure can lead to oxidation, which will break down many of the nutrients in the food. Storerooms with too much natural light can lead to issues, so use a blackout curtain or tint to cover the windows. 

Keep Good Records

Keeping proper records of your inventory is also incredibly important. This is an essential part of optimal storage. The “use by” and “sell by” dates should always be properly recorded. This is because spotting spoilage with your dry goods is much more difficult than it is with fresh food. Having these labels allows you to know when these products have gone bad. 

Whenever a product goes out of date, it’s important to replace it as quickly as possible. First in first out, also known as FIFO should always be the way your dry goods move to and from the storeroom. This means all the products are as fresh as possible. 

Proper Packaging

It’s important to properly package your products the proper way. Since packaging is our specialty at Western Packaging, we understand the best ways to package your dry goods. Packaging that resists moisture is important and will work well in an airconditioned room or dehumidifier. There are many things you want to keep in mind when choosing the right packaging. 

Bulk bags are a popular option when it comes to storing grain. We also have the option to sew in handles to make for easier transport. Multi-walled bags are good for storing grain and pet food. They come in different styles. Woven poly bags are another good option. You can also print the “use by” and “sell by” dates on these bags. 

We’re Ready to Help

If you need help with your packaging needs, our team at Western Packaging is here. We offer a wide range of packaging services and products to ensure your dry goods are always protected from the elements. Contact us today to find out what it is we can do for you and your storing and packaging needs.

08 Jun 2022
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Benefits of Using Wulftec Products

As a business owner or manager, nobody understands the importance of protecting your products more than you. Here at Western Packaging, we offer Wulftec products, some of the best in the industry, to help you protect your investments. Here are some of the benefits of using Wulftec products

Wrapping Machines

We carry a full line of wrapping machines for all of your application needs, as well as conveyor systems. These machines help you ensure that your products are always protected from the elements. This is important as businesses lose thousands, even millions of dollars a year on damaged products. 

Stretch wrapping your packages will help ensure they stay put during transit. Packages sliding around during transit can and will lead to damage – either during transit or after. Investing in a wrapping machine can prevent this from happening, saving your products and more importantly, your bank account. 

Some of the Benefits of Wuftec Wrapping Machines

Understanding the benefits of Wuftec products can help you understand why they’re perfect for you and your specific business needs. Here are some of the benefits:

Corner Protection

Unfortunately, corners are often prone to damage in the transit process. The wrapping machines are designed to detect the corner of each load. Even if the load varies in size or is uneven when it reaches the conveyor, Wulftec will be able to place the corner correctly, time after time. 

Consecutive Machines

We can install consecutive machines. These machines are designed for distribution centers and businesses that have a high output. These machines can wrap multiple loads simultaneously, reduce your labor costs, improve ergonomics, reduce damage and load retention, and improve your productivity. 

Machines for Extreme Environments

We understand that you may work in an extreme environment. Wulftec machines will be equipped with a heating or cooling system that will maximize their efficiency no matter the climate. Whether it’s freezing cold or scorching hot, you will always get 100% out of your stretch wrapper and film. 

Food Distribution

If you use your machine for food distribution, you need that machine to be as clean as possible. These machines are equipped with waterproof motors, quick connectors, and a stainless steel enclosure to protect all the electrical components from being damaged during a wash-down. The machine is also built out of stainless steel, making it corrosion-resistant. 

Hay Industry

The hay industry constantly uses wrapping machines. Here are some of the options Wulftec offers for maximum flexibility:

  • Cold and warm temperature packaging
  • 30” film carriage
  • Rotational speed increase
  • Elevating pop-up
  • Power sealer
  • Automatic film cut and wipedown
  • Top platen
  • And more

Customized Stretch Wrappers

We understand that every business has its own, specific needs. That’s why we’re able to install customized stretch wrappers. Custom options can help you get the exact wrapping services that you are looking for. We will work with you from the moment you call us to help you get the system that best fits your needs. We want to be sure that you’re getting the most out of your machines. If that means going the extra mile to ensure you get the custom machine that you need, then we are more than happy to do it!

We’re Ready to Help

If you’re looking for Wulftec products or any other wrapping and packaging services, our team here at Western Packaging is here to help! We offer a wide range of services designed to help you with your packaging needs. Reach out to us today to find out what it is we can do for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

31 May 2022
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How long do polypropylene bags last?

Polypropylene bags are an excellent solution for different businesses. Many already sell them at the front where the checkout is located. They are the bright-colored, designed, or logo-branded bags that you see. That is not the only way to find poly bags, and they are made to fit the needs of large industries and their shipping needs. Western Packaging sells poly bags for various industry needs, and they can help you make the right decision for your business. 

What Are Polypropylene Bags?

Polypropylene bags are a type of bag used by many different industries made out of plastic resin. You can get them in woven and non-woven forms, depending on the durability you need. The woven polypropylene bags are designed using a woven technique to provide you with more flexibility and endurance. 

Non-woven bags are sturdier and can keep your product safe. They are not put together in a woven technique. They bond the plastic resin together with a heat press. Both woven bags are biodegradable and help your business reduce its carbon footprint. 

How Long Do Polybags Last?

It is difficult to pinpoint an exact time frame that a polypropylene bag will last. Many different factors can make a difference in the answer. If you use the bag constantly and put it to the test, it may not last as long as one that someone uses less frequently. 

On average, you will be able to use a polybag 37 times before you need to use a new one. These bags are eco-friendly, being reusable, but it is also a financially wise option to use for your business. The longer a product can last you is always a great option for your business. 

Different Types of Polypropylene Bags

There are many different poly bags that you can get for your business. Agricultural businesses use these bags commonly for all storage needs. They can hold feed, seeds, grains, and so much more. 

There are different uses that these bags have, too, such as shipping, shopping bags, and more. Many businesses sell them at the front of their stores as shopping bags. Often they are in bright colors, patterns, or have the logo printed on them. A few examples of the different bags you can purchase for your business are:

  • Paper Laminated Polypropylene Bags
  • Laminated Woven Polypropylene Bags
  • Standard Woven Polypropylene Bags
  • UV Sandbags With Tie Strings

There Is Variety

All the poly bags are available in various sizes to fit the needs that you have. Many are small enough to fit little needs, and they range up to large industrial sizes. These bags are designed to fit a variety of conditions that you have for your business. You can rely on them to keep your products safe and withstand the movement that occurs. 

The standard woven poly bags are available in fifty different sizes for you to choose from. You can even choose to have them equipped with a water-resistant barrier. All sizes and styles are in stock and ready to ship out to you most of the time. All poly bags are tear-resistant to add extra protection for you and your business. You can have your logos and information printed directly onto the bags. 

Let Western Packaging Help You Today

If you have a business that can benefit from the use of polypropylene bags, contact Western Packaging today. We would be happy to help you find the one that fits your needs best. Our team looks forward to hearing from you and getting you set up with the right products for your business.

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