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02 Apr 2021
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What Are The Different Types of Bulk Bags

There are different classifications and styles of bulk bags that you can choose from. When purchasing bulk bags, you need to have the items in mind that you will be storing in them. That is because it will play a big role in which ones you choose. Western Packaging is a company that can give you excellent information and service when wanting to purchase these bags. 

Classifications Of Bulk Bags

Bulk bags are classified in four alphabetical letters. This is what you will go by when you are purchasing them. Each one is going to serve a different purpose and work better for certain situations. 

Some are made from standard polypropylene and some have antistatic fabric. There are also certain ones that are approved for food grade. The different types are:

  • Type A
  • Type B
  • Type C
  • Type D

Types Of Bulk Bags

The names of the different types of bulk bags are an indication of how they are made. Once you know the classification of the bag that you are needing, you can look at the type you want to use. You can even get bags with liners in them to help protect from moisture damaging what is inside of them.

These liners are sewn in or tabbed at the corners. This is a safety precaution to keep the liner in place. The weight of what you are putting inside of them matters, along with the number of times you want to use the bag. Some of the types of bags you can get are explained below. 

Circular Woven Bags

Circular bags are ones that are known to be fairly easy to load and unload with the forklift. It typically has 4 loop handles at the top and only one seam due to its shape. You can have these bags designed in the size capacity that you are needing.

Four-Panel Bags

Four-panel bags are your typical square tote. There are 4 handles to use when loading and unloading with the forklift. If you plan to stack your bags for loading or storage, these are the best option. These bags are going to hold their shape the best for continual usage. 

Conical Bags

This bag is not designed for storage options. It is more for items that need to be emptied upon arrival to the destination. The spout at the bottom is designed to let you empty the bag completely and not have any residue left over. There are 3 handles at the top to allow it to be lifted during the emptying process.

Form Stable Bags

This bag is very similar to the four-panel bag, but with extra support added to it. There are form stable inserts added at each corner seam. You are able to get better usage and ore storage out of these bags due to their added strength. 

U-Panel Bags

The most commonly purchased bulk bag is the U-panel. It is affordable and efficient in the needs that people have for it. The name describes exactly what it looks like when you load it. It is very easy to lift and load with 4 loops at the top. 

Contact Western Packaging Today

If you are looking for the best choice in bulk bags for your business, give us a call today. We can help you decide on the perfect fit for your needs. Our staff is skilled and knowledgeable to give you the best advice we possibly can. Contact one of our representatives today to get more information about the bulk bags that we carry.

25 Mar 2021
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Can The EBS Handjet Print on Anything?

Do you work for a shipping company or somewhere that labels items? Or maybe you own a small business that does a lot of shipping. Either way, an EBS handjet could be what you have been looking for. Western Packaging is a knowledgeable company that sells these tools and can help you with all your needs. 

What Is An EBS Handjet?

The EBS handjet is a mini portable printer that you can use in many different ways. You can use whatever logo your need or wording to print directly onto the surface you need it to. Some of the many surfaces that it can print onto are:

  • Metal Pipes
  • Boxes
  • Wood
  • Concrete
  • Poly Bags
  • Corrugated Boxes
  • And More

You can only use one color at a time in a printer, but it can be printed on a variety of different surfaces. The cost of an EBS handjet is going to range around $3,500 and higher. Compared to the cost of buying other types of printers, the supplies, and hassle it takes could be worth it for your business. 

Pros Of Using An EBS Handjet

There are a large variety of positive reasons that your business can benefit from owning one of these tools. The main ones being the versatility and simplicity of using them. To name a few of the main reasons that you should look into owning one of these printers for your business are:

  • Reduces The Cost Of Supplies
  • Compact and Light To Carry Around
  • Can Print On Even and Uneven Surfaces
  • Costs-Effective Use
  • It Contains 100,000+ Characters
  • No Wires Involved
  • Built-In Touch Screen
  • Connects To Any PC
  • Can Prints Graphics
  • Battery and Ink Cartridge Included
  • And Many More

When you use an EBS handjet for labeling products, it is going to improve the productivity of your employees. That is due to the ease of using these tools. It can cause faster and more effective work to be done. Any surface of any size can be printed directly on.

Industries That Can Use EBS Handjets

You can use these printers for almost any need that you may have for printing on materials and products. That means that these little portable printers are great for all kinds of different industries. Some examples of different ones are: 

  • The Military
  • Technical JobsFood Industry
  • Construction Jobs
  • Agricultural Industries
  • Food Industries
  • Cable Industries
  • Oil Companies
  • And So Much More

If you work in one of these industries, or another, an EBS handjet can be of use to you. Take it along with you to any location that you need to print on.

What Can I Use The EBS Handjet Printer For?

There are some items that businesses produce that can’t be put into a bag or box. That leaves you with a problem when it comes to labeling your products. The EBS handjet is capable of printing directly onto the item, such as pipes. Some of the many different things that you can print with these hand tools are:

  • Barcodes
  • Symbols
  • Letters
  • Expiration Dates
  • Codes
  • And More

The codes and symbols that you oftentimes see on electrical boxes, pipes, and more can be printed from these handheld printers. 

Call Western Packaging Today

If you are looking for an item like this for your business, call Western Packaging today. We can give you the information you need to make a decision on purchasing an EBS handjet. All of our staff members are qualified and educated to give you top-notch information. We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

05 Mar 2021
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3 Ways Agricultural Waste Can Be Reduced

Agricultural waste is something that has strict laws about how it to dispose of it. Farmers have to understand what agricultural waste is, so they can decide whether recycling farm waste or disposal of farm waste is better for their situation. Farmers are going to vary in the type of waste and the amount of waste that they have. It is going to depend on the size of the farm and the type of work that is being done.

When you find ways to reduce agricultural waste that is being produced, it is better for the environment. Western Packaging has feed bags, industrial packaging, and other packaging needs that farmers may have.

What Is Agricultural Waste?

There are so many different kinds of waste that can accumulate from farming, such as agricultural sewage. The amount of items that it takes to take care of farming and animals is a lot. That is why it is a good idea to reduce as much as possible. A few of the many things that can create waste agriculturally are:

  • Crop Residue
  • Leaf Litter
  • Sawdust
  • Livestock Waste
  • Forest Waste
  • Weeds
  • Pesticides
  • Oil

Why Agricultural Waste Is A Problem

The contents of agricultural waste can be a big problem for the environment. If not disposed of correctly, these items can cause pollution trouble. There are many different chemicals and substances that are used for agricultural reasons, and livestock. This is why proper agricultural waste solutions must be established for hazardous items.

When hazardous items are not disposed of properly, they can cause trouble in other areas. Such as rivers and streams. This poses a harmful situation for animals and people. It is best for everyone that agricultural waste is reduced to create fewer hazards.

Ways To Reduce Agricultural Waste

There are many ways that farmers will choose to get rid of waste. Not all are good options, such as burning it. That is putting pollutants in the air.

Purchase Control

It is so easy to overbuy products. Especially, when you own a farm and are not sure of the exact amount you may need. There are also times that you may think it is better to buy more upfront than come back to the store more often. 

This can sometimes work but oftentimes ends up resulting in more waste. A good way to make sure you are only buying what is needed is to take inventory regularly. This will help you to only buy what is absolutely needed and reduce the amount of waste that is being created. 


Farmers can reduce waste by composting many of their items. They are good for the soil and help the plants to grow. This is a great environmentally friendly option that farmers can take advantage of. Some of the many things that you should compost are:

  • Animal Waste
  • Plants
  • Weeds and Grass Cuttings
  • Leaves, Straw, and Hay


It is a great idea to find ways to recycle waste. There are many items that are used for agricultural purposes that you may be able to reuse. Find another use for it or transform it into something that will benefit you. Some items such as:

  • Organic Fertilizer
  • Plastic Tote Bags
  • Containers
  • Old Tires

You can keep recyclable items separate from other waste. This way it can be disposed of properly and not fill landfills. Some of the many items that you can recycle are:

  • Glass Items
  • Any Cardboard
  • Metal And Plastic 
  • Rubber and Tires
  • Batteries

Western Packaging Can Help

If you are looking for a good option to help with agricultural waste, let Western Packing help. Our team is experienced in the field of all things packaging. We can help you find the items you need to reduce the amount of waste you are producing. Contact us today to get the information you need!

25 Feb 2021
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Does Environmental Conditions Affect Your Packaging?

Environmental conditions can take a toll on your packaging. You never know what conditions your products are going to travel through. Damage to your packaging poses a risk for the items that are inside. They can be damaged before they even arrive to customers. Western Packaging can help you make the best decisions for packaging your products.

What Are Environmental Issues With Packaging?

The packaging that your items are in can get damaged by environmental elements. They will most likely be indoors and outdoors several times, both shipping and storing at the final destination. They have the potential of experiencing several different weather changes, such as:

  • Uv Rays From Sunlight
  • Heat
  • Rain 
  • Snow

If environmental issues will have a negative effect on your packaging, this can be a real problem. It will affect your bottom line, as well as your relationship with your customer. Damage to the items that are inside of the packaging isn’t going to leave a very happy customer when they receive it. Some of the environmental conditions that packages can experience are explained below.

Water Damage

You never know when it is going to rain while your package is in the shipping process. When it is raining outside, your package may get wet. While slight moisture may not be detrimental, significant water can damage the packaging. As well as the product inside. 

You also have to consider where the package is being stored when it arrives at its location. Soil, dirt, fertilizer, animal feed, and more are oftentimes stored in outdoor locations. If the items that you have inside of your packaging will be impacted by getting wet, this can be a big problem. An investment in packaging that can withstand moisture occurring can help.

Sunlight Damage

When packages are in transit, they are subject to many elements of the weather. Sunlight is one of them, and which it also generates heat. This can be a problem for a couple of different reasons. The package can fade from the UV rays and cause it to not be legible. 

Many items are stored in outdoor locations. Stores that carry animal feed and gardening soil, usually store them outdoors. When the packaging that is used cannot withstand the sunlight and heat, that is not a good scenario. It is a good idea to have proper packaging that can withstand these types of scenarios. 

How To Better Protect Your Packages

You need to ensure that your packaging can hold up to the environmental conditions it is in, you need to do what you can to protect them. Western Packaging has options for you to best protect your packages. Some of the options that they have are:

Sunlight, heat, and water can damage your packaging and the products inside. When the right packaging is used for the environment it could be experiencing, your products are better protected. Customers will be much happier with the appearance and the quality of the items as well. 

Let Western Packaging Help you With Packaging Needs

Western Packaging can help you with the proper packaging for your products. We are a reputable company that can provide you with the products that you need for packaging. If you have questions about what is best for you, one of our team members would be glad to assist you. Please contact us.

05 Feb 2021
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Are Hay Sleeves Eco- Friendly?

Do you have a farm or land that you roll hay on? One of the most important things to do for your hay is to protect it. Having hay sleeves to cover your hay is very beneficial in protecting them. Making sure that the hay doesn’t mold or spoil is very important for your profit. 

If you are looking for a great company to get your hay sleeves from, Western Packaging can help you with all of your needs. The employees are very knowledgeable and trained to help you get the information you need to make a decision. No matter your questions or concerns, you are sure to find just what you are looking for with our company. 

What Are Hay Sleeves?

Hay sleeves are a plastic material that is used to cover hay. It keeps it held together and protected from the sun and moisture. When hay bales are being transported it helps keep them safe from all of the movement. 

A lot of times hay is stored in a stall or barn. If you do not have an option to do that with your hay, the sleeves are a great option to give you that protection. This can help you to not lose as much of your hay throughout the year as you would without the protection. 

They Come In A Variety of Sizes

When you are rolling hay, your bale sizes may vary depending on what you have planned for them. The good thing is that you can purchase the hay sleeves in a variety of sizes to fit whatever the need is that you have. 

Bales can range from 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall all the way up to 8 feet wide and 6 feet tall. Some are square and some are round. No matter the size or shape that you have, there is a sleeve available for you to use. 

Why You Should Protect Hay

When your hay bales are subject to the rain, dew, and UV rays it can harm it. Causing deterioration, infestations, mold, mildew, and rotting. The amount of exposure that your hay is subject to is going to depend on the area that you live in. 

If you live somewhere that has a lot of rain, you are risking the potential of mold and mildew. If you live somewhere that experiences a lot of hot humid days, you are risking UV damage and rotting. This is going to cause you to lose money over time. Using hay sleeves is a way that you can protect your hay without having a barn for storage. 

Eco-Friendly Products

It is always great when companies can find a product that is eco friendly. Reducing the amount of waste that occurs is better for the environment. There are so many eco-friendly products these days making it easier for people to make more eco-friendly decisions. 

Hay sleeves that are used to protect hay bales are eco friendly and can be recycled. This creates far much less waste and makes it more affordable to produce the product. Any way that can be found to be more economically conscious is a good choice.

Contact Western Packaging Today

Western Packaging is a company that believes in excellent customer service. We have helped many people and companies with the needed products that they need. If you are looking for high-quality products to provide you with the needs that you have, we can provide that to you. 

Call today to get more information and to speak to one of our employees. We look forward to working with you soon!

21 Jan 2021
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What Are Woven Poly Bags Used For?

Are you wondering what all you can use woven poly bags for? They are a great product that can be used for a multitude of things. If you are looking for a great company to purchase them from, Western Packaging is the one for you. 

They can give you information and help with all your poly bag needs. Providing excellent customer service is our goal, and we will work hard to give you just that. Our team has a lot of experience and knowledge to help you with your poly bag purchases.

What Are Woven Poly Bags?

Poly bags, short for woven polypropylene bags, offer a great option for bagging large items that need to be packaged. They are flexible and able to move easily without tearing, which is beneficial when they are shipped or on store shelves. Many companies will use these bags for animal feed, dirt and soil, and grass seed. 

They are available in a variety of sizes to meet just about any need that you have. You can even customize them to your brand. If you are unsure if these bags will work for you or which ones to choose, continue reading for more in-depth descriptions of the ones that you can use. 

Paper Laminated Polypropylene Bags

These are a great option for versatility and strength. With having the added feature of the paper, they offer a little bit more force. All poly bags that there are come with these easy to open tabs, but yet are durable and don’t rip easily. 

UV Sandbags With Tie Strings

UV bags are a great option for products that are going to be exposed to the sunlight and the weather elements. These types of bags are particularly used for flood control and in construction areas. If you are needing sandbags for outside purposes, UV sandbags with tie strings are the perfect option for you. 

Standard Woven Polypropylene Bags

These are the most common poly bags that are used by many different companies. You see these bags all the time in stores without even realizing it. They are most commonly used for:

  • Dog Food
  • Cat Food
  • Cat Litter
  • Grass Seed
  • Soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Bird Seed
  • Rice
  • Coffee
  • Flour
  • Fruits 
  • Vegetable
  • And Much More…

Laminated Woven Polypropylene Bags

The extra feature of having laminated woven poly bags gives you more protection. You are going to get the added benefits of dust control and water resistance when using laminated bags. These are also very commonly used poly bags and are a great option for many products. 

What Is The Difference In Woven and NonWoven Poly Bags?

The main difference is just as it sounds, one is woven and one is not. Woven poly bags are literally weaved together creating strength in the bag. When they are nonwoven, they are simply just bound together. Both are good options, the reasoning for choosing between the two is a matter of what you are packaging inside of them. 

If you need the added protection and strength, woven is the way to go for your products. You can easily check poly bags to see if they are woven or not. When you are examining the bags, you can see a weave pattern on them if they are woven. 

Call Western Packaging Today

For great service and excellent quality products, you should contact Western Packaging. They are a great company to work with and many products are in stock and ready to ship. Polybags can be just the product that you are looking for. Call today and speak to one of the members of our team for the additional information that you need. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

07 Jan 2021
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How Are Bulk Bags Beneficial To The Business Industry?

Many industries use bulk bags for storage and transport of various supplies. These bags are large and very sturdy. They are designed to hold large amounts of supplies, crops, seeds, or even dirt just to name a few.

What is a Bulk Bag?

A bulk bag is a large, durable sack that is designed to hold large amounts of products. These bags can have loops sewn into the corners for lifting with a forklift. They can also have a liner sewn into them if a business is concerned with moisture control.

Bulk bags are often used by farmers to hold things like fertilizers, dirt, seeds, or grains. Fill spouts and dispensing spouts can be customized to meet your company’s needs. 

How do Bulk Bags Help in Different Industries?

How do businesses use bulk bags? Below are a few different bulk bag applications:

  • Agricultural products: Many agricultural products are destined for use in livestock feed or animal food or human consumption, so chemical-free bags that have been certified to be safe for food products make transporting these products easy and worry-free.
  • Chemical companies: Products used in the chemical industry can be hazardous, but bulk bags come in a variety of options for carrying hazardous materials and reducing the risk of static shock. Western Packaging is proud to have accomplished the requirements to produce hazmat bulk bags that are used for the transportation of hazardous materials or dangerous goods.
  • Food processing: Because many transported foods are dry bulk products, bulk bags are the perfect vessels for transporting food products. Many bulk bags are specifically designed for this application and are certified to be safe for transporting human food-grade products.
  • Construction and mining: Bulk bags are also ideal for transporting construction materials and mining products. Successful construction projects often require huge amounts of raw materials, and successful mining operations generate tons of product. Bulk bags are strong, versatile, and durable enough to get them where they need to go.

Different Types of Bulk Bags

  • The construction of these durable bags is very important. They are made out of woven plastic fibers. This type of material provides the following benefits:
  • Lightweight: polypropylene is one of the lightest commercial plastics, and bulk bags typically weigh only approximately 5-7 pounds. The lightness of the material makes the bags user-friendly and convenient for storage and transport of materials.
  • Durability: Woven plastic is resistant to shrinkage, stretching, humidity, and heat. Even in a hot, demanding environment, woven plastic bulk bags will keep their shape and retain their ability to hold goods safely and effectively. 
  • Flexibility: Woven plastic is soft and pliable, so woven plastic bulk bags are user-friendly because of their flexibility. They can fold into compact shapes for storage, so they leave plenty of space for work on the warehouse or factory floor. 
  • Strength: As the fibers weave over, under, and between one another, they create durable, dense layers that perform very well. They are designed to hold anywhere from 500 to 4000 pounds.

Give us a Call Now!

Western Packaging is eager to meet your needs, no matter what type of bulk bags your business needs. We have specialized bags to help your business run smoothly and efficiently. Our specialists are ready to answer any questions you may have about choosing the proper bags for your business.

Need a special type of dispensing spout? Give us a call to allow us the opportunity to find out your company’s specific needs and design your customizable bags. Giving you exceptional customer service is our goal. Please contact us today.

05 Dec 2020
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What Is Stretch Film?

Stretch film, also known as stretch wrap, is a highly stretchable plastic film that is wrapped around items. It is frequently used to unitize pallet loads but can also be used to bundle smaller items. The different types of stretch film include bundling stretch film, hand stretch film, extended core stretch film, machine stretch film, and static dissipative stretch film.

How it is Produced

Stretch film is a type of flexible film made from polyethylene, a polyolefin plastic material. It is commonly used to create stretch and shrink films. Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is the most common type, but high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) are also available. 

There are two extrusion methods for producing stretch film. It can be blown or cast. Extrusion is the process of manufacturing stretch film and other flexible plastic products. This section will break down the two most commonly used extrusion processes for manufacturing stretch film. Knowing the process, benefits, and cost of each will allow you to better understand which might be best for your company, products, and needs. 

Blown Stretch Film

When the stretch film is blown it means the resin is melted and extruded through an annular die. This forms a thin-walled tube that is then blown up like a balloon. The wrap/balloon is then air-cooled. This is a slower process, but it provides a high-quality film. 

Because blown stretch wrap is more robust and resilient, it also allows for greater load-holding power. This type of wrap offers higher load and stretch capacity, higher memory, and better tear resistance for loads with sharp edges. However, the production cost tends to be higher with this method. The clarity of the wrap is poor due to crystallization and is more noisy when unwound from its roll. 

Cast Stretch Film

Cast stretch wrap is a type of wrap made from thermoplastic material, melted and extruded through a cast extrusion process. When stretch film is cast it means the film is extruded through a slot die, and then it is passed over cooling rollers. This makes the cooling process quicker, but the quality of the film is not as high, and it is produced cheaper. 

This type of wrap provides excellent clarity, reduced stretching force, increased tear resistance, quiet unwinding, and a superior two-sided cling. However, it lacks the load/holding power of blown stretch film and has less memory and tear resistance. 

Benefits Of Using Stretch Film

With its numerous benefits, stretch film is a popular choice for companies worldwide to palletize and contain products for shipping and transportation. Unlike other materials like strapping, stretch film offers many advantages, including improved product containment and securing. This confidence in its effectiveness and value makes it a preferred choice for many businesses. 

With its versatile applications, stretch film plays a crucial role in the world around us. Its use in delivering, transporting, and storing most products we use, eat, display, and store is often overlooked. There are countless products and uses for stretch film, making it a versatile and indispensable tool in various industries. 

What is Stretch Film Used For

Stretch film can be used for many purposes and plays an important role in the world around us. Many people do not realize the part the stretch film plays in delivering and transporting most products that we use, eat, display, and store. There are hundreds of products and uses for stretch film. 

Here is a list of products that are wrapped in stretch film for transportation, storage, and sometimes sales.

  • Palletized Boxes- This is the most common and widely seen use of stretch film. Boxes of different sizes and weights are stacked on a pallet and wrapped with stretch film to keep them together.
  • Buckets- Buckets of items such as paint, liquids, and dry goods are commonly wrapped with a heavier gauge stretch film to keep the contents in and from spilling.
  • Wire Reels- The film can be used to unitize reels together and it can also be used to prevent the wires from unwinding.
  • Canned Beverages- Another common use is to wrap around beverages. They are often stacked high, and they are heavy; using the film keeps them together and from falling over with being stored and delivery purposes. 
  • Furniture- Manufacturers and movers often use stretch film to secure the product, to keep it together, and to keep it from getting damaged while moving.
  • Feed and Seed- Pallet loads of feed and seed or often very heavy. Depending on the weight of the pallet shrink film can be used to keep it stable.

Uses in Palettes

Making sure boxes stay on the pallets and are properly aligned is an important thing in warehouses. In pallet unitizing, stretch film has several functions that can include:

  • Improved stability of products
  • More efficient handling and storage of loads
  • Some dust and moisture protection
  • Some degree of tamper resistance
  • Extend shelf life

How To Choose The Right Stretch Film For You

Choosing the best stretch film for your needs is not just important; it’s crucial. The right stretch film can ensure product stability, safety, and integrity during storage and transit. By understanding the basics of stretch film and your application needs, you can make an informed decision that will protect your palleted products, minimize damage, and reduce financial and product losses. 

Understanding the basics of stretch film and your application needs will better equip you to select the ideal wrap for your business. Factors to consider include load type, product type, application methods, and cost.


The application method you will use for your stretch film significantly impacts your ideal wrap type. Hand Rolls are ideal for low-volume packaging operations or where machinery is not feasible. On the other hand, Machine Rolls are ideal for high-volume environments, as they can apply the film faster and more consistently.

Product Weight and Type

Your ideal choice of stretch film will depend on the type of product you are wrapping and its weight. Light loads, like tissues or paper, can be handled with lighter gauge film. Medium loads, like canned goods, typically require medium gauge film for better performance. And heavy loads, like bricks or chemicals, will require heavy-duty film to accommodate increased weight and potential shifting.


Balancing cost with quality is crucial for selecting the appropriate material for your products and bottom line. Economic films are thinner, less durable, and suitable for light loads. Premium films, on the other hand, offer better durability, puncture resistance, and stretch for challenging load types.


Shrink film has many different purposes and can be used in ways most consumers do not think about. For more information contact us.

05 Nov 2020
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What are Shipping Sacks?

When you work in a business that does a lot of packaging and shipping, you are going to be in need of a quality product to use. Western Packaging is a great company that can provide you with shipping sacks and more. Finding the right product can sometimes pose as a difficult task, but we can make it a lot easier for you. 

We strive to ensure that you are receiving the best service that is possible with Western Packaging. It is important for us to carry the products that you are in need of, such as FIBC Livestock Bags, Woven poly bags, and stretch film. You can even have custom printing added to your bags to make them more appealing and display the content and brand. 

Uses of Shipping Sacks

There are a wide variety of uses for these sacks, everything from landscaping needs down to cat litter. The shipping sacks are designed to be durable and strong, giving you confidence that they can carry even the heavy loads without breaking. That is what you need for your company, and can save you money in returns and damaged items. 

Many businesses use shipping sacks to get their products from point A to point B. They are designed to withstand the process of being shipped and the handling of the bags without tearing. You can also add custom printing to your bags. Some of the most common uses for these bags are:

  • Dog food
  • Cat Food
  • Cat Litter
  • Mulch 
  • Cement
  • Grass Seed
  • Horse Feed
  • Goat Feed
  • Pig Feed
  • Bird Seed

What Are Shipping Sacks Made Out Of 

One of the most commonly asked questions is what the shipping sacks are made out of to make them so durable. These sacks are designed to have multi-walls to help them be strong enough for the job. The makeup of the polypropylene sacks allows them to be somewhat elastic and pliable to help with the packaging of the items. 

The importance of having a product that can withstand the shipping process is that you never know what is going to happen. It may rain, storm, or be exposed to high temperatures. There is also a chance that it can be tossed or dropped. 

Shipping Sacks For Every Need

You can purchase shipping sacks of a number of sizes to fit any need that you have for them. Whether you ship small, medium, large, or a variety of sizes you can find it. There are options for UV protection, laminated, paper, and standard for you to choose from. 

  • Laminated

By choosing a bag that has lamination you can give extra protection from dust, moisture, and help to limit the amount of shifting that happens.

  • Paper Laminated

These are durable and strong like the standard versions, but offer extra protection from moisture, handling, and wear.

  • Standard

The good thing about choosing the standard bags is that they are strong and flexible. Making it the perfect option for feed and other products of that nature. The bags can be moved around and handled without tearing open easily. 

Call Today For More Information

If you have been searching for a company to order your shipping sacks from, Western Packaging can help you with your needs. Our staff is knowledgeable and able to answer the questions that you have. If you need advice on the type of sack that will suit your needs best, don’t hesitate to ask. Giving you exceptional customer service is our goal. Please contact us today.

21 Oct 2020
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What is FIBC Bulk Bags

Western Packing is committed to providing our customers with excellent bulk bags and products every time they use them. We strive to provide products that farmers and contractors can use and benefit from. One of the products that we stand behind is the FIBC bulk bags

What is the FIBC Bulk Bag?

A flexible intermediate bulk container, also known as an FIBC bulk bag, is an industrial container made of a flexible fabric that is designed for storing and transporting dry and flowable products. 

FIBC bulk bags are most often made from thick polyethylene material and measure 45-48 inches in diameter and 39-79 inches in height, depending on what is being stored. FIBC bags are designed to contain 4000 pounds of material, depending on the design. The walls are flexible, which makes them perfect for storing and transporting dry bulk solids.

Advantages of FIBC Bulk Bags

The use of FIBC bags has increased over the last several years due to the advantages they have over other containers such as rigid IBCs, paper bags, and fiber, plastic, or metal drums. Some advantages and uses of FIBC bags include:

  • Improved safety- Workers can be exposed to injuries when they move bulk materials in bags and drums. When using bulk bags they require the use of mechanical means to move them such as a forklift, pallet jack, or hoise, this means less manual movement by workers and improved safety for them.
  • Cost Savings-Labor cost can typically be reduced when the bulk bags are used. When you compare the price of positioning and lifting one bulk bag to lifting, opening, dumping, and the disposal of 40 paper bags you can easily see the cost difference.
  • Economical packaging- More material can be shipped for the same price due to the bag capacity increases and the tare weight decreases. FBICs can also be positioned and stacked higher and more efficiently than smaller bags. This maximizes the shipping container and storage space.

Materials that can be stored

A few examples of things that can be stored and transported in FIBC bulk bags include:

  • Chemicals
  • Fertilizers
  • Fiberglass
  • Food products 
  • Grains
  • Construction Material
  • Seeds
  • and more

Types of FIBC Bulk Bags

  • Circular- This is considered the lowest standard of bulk bags. They are made on the loom as a tube and will not maintain its shape when loaded. It tends to bulge out in the middle when weight is applied, and the product will stretch the fabric when under pressure.
  • U-Panel- This is one step up from the circular bag and it is made when two pieces of fabric that resemble a U shape are sewn together and make the bag. It maintains a square shape when loaded.
  • Four-Panel- This bag is made up of four pieces of fabric that make up the sides and one for the bottom. They are all sewn together and are made to resist some stretching and hold the cube shape much better than other types.
  • Baffle- This bag is the best at keeping the cube shape of your product when it is loaded. The reason why is it has additional baffles sewn into each corner to help the bag keep its shape. These bags are the easiest to stack.

Transport and Emptying

When transporting and loading an FIBC bag it is done on pallets or by lifting it from the loops. Depending on the style of the bag this can be done by one person or may take two. Emptying the bags is easy; you can use the special discharge spout or simply cut it open

Contact Us

If you are in the market for some flexible intermediate bulk containers and bulk bags, give us a call. The staff at Western packing understands the issues our customers deal with every day and we are committed to finding you the best solutions.

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